Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [vb infin] a [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you think she might want a job and all ? ’
2 She might break a fingernail or drop a cup simply because he was present in the room .
3 She might get a pound or two for that lot .
4 She said no , she said , he told her if she wanted to go to the expense of a wig , she could get a wig and she wear it when she went out , but when she comes in the house she must take it off , she must not wear that wig
5 Vi wished she could fire a gun and shoot down those bombers if only for what they had done to Gerry , but it was easy to be brave in this small , precious house when the sun still shone in the evening sky and a west wind blew away the stench of bombing and burning and broken bodies .
6 Now she was more Maman 's maid , and mender of everything in the house in which she could discern a wear or a tear .
7 But she could find a job and a furnished flat , and then she 'd be free , free to give herself to Nicolo as his lover …
8 She was almost on top of the river before she realised that this was where the path was leading , and here she found another seat from which she could see a boat or two plaiting lazy fans of rippling wake through the smooth water .
9 It was so funny right , she 'd have a go and I just sat there and yeah !
10 Afterwards she 'd have a glass or two of wine to wash it all down .
11 ‘ We used to go and sit in the park , on the river bank , and she 'd have a book and I 'd have a book …
12 you , you did n't know she was er here , she 'd have a book or some
13 But when Luke Thackray came round with his cap , she 'd put a penny or two in it just the same , like everybody else , knowing , as they all did , that Disaster , which had struck the Rattries today , might strike any of them tomorrow .
14 They decided on the following Friday for the party and Lee said that she would make a chicken and pasta and fruit and nut salad and make borscht and buy black bread and invite Philippa and Conrad if Larry would buy cheese and wine and serviettes and invite two friends of his own .
15 She would hire a Buick and a Sikh driver from a good family , and see the States in the style to which she was accustomed .
16 Zeinab agreed that she would like a coffee and Mahmoud wanted to talk about what they had seen , so they stopped the arabeah when they reached the Ismailiya Quarter with its more Westernized restaurants into which women could go , and got out .
17 Diana , for her part , thought she would become a wife and mother ; but , with all the servants and secretaries who surrounded the Prince , including a valet who selected and prepared his clothes for the day , packed for him and even did his personal shopping , she felt superfluous , and just a little jealous .
18 She would find a cab and follow Simon , Ashley decided , catching her breath , but she needed to know where he had been taken .
19 ( My mother left South Africa and went to Lesotho when Lesotho became independent because she had become really depressed with South Africa and she thought she would find a niche and peace there . )
20 Only with Pilade did he act as she would wish a husband and father to act .
21 And he cried do you think she would need a worm and he held up a worm , but he came and put this poisoned worm in the mole , you know that 's what they did , they had er mole er worms that had doped with poison , you see and then they dropped them in the hole and that was the end of the mole .
22 For years , she had nurtured an ambition to set up a conservation centre and nature trail in the country ; she would need a house and some land .
23 Never before had she held a conversation with anyone like this , and she would begin a sentence and not know how to finish it .
24 By the middle of the following week , however , she was really missing her trips to the pool and she decided that on Wednesday afternoon , which was one of the afternoons when David was n't at the factory , she would take a chance and go for a swim .
25 She would take a bath and go in to work early — there was plenty to do .
26 In cricket they used to put her at ‘ long leg ’ where the ball hardly ever penetrated , and she would take a book and lie down to read in the long grass .
27 Sir yes , I represent the County Council with respect to these objections sir , and I shall be calling Mrs to give the evidence , and she will produce a proof and a bundle of appendices which consist of two plans .
28 I do n't know what will happen now , I suppose she will get a lawyer and I will be shafted . ’
29 She can hold a spoon and feed herself but only slowly and with spillage .
30 Either she pays her rent or she can buy a property and pay £500 a month mortgage .
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