Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Matron says she may give you a hand today — or , indeed , at any time when things are slack on the wards . ’
2 When you visit your doctor , he or she may give you an prescription .
3 For once , she must tell him the truth , never mind that he had behaved so badly last night .
4 Until then she must know his every move .
5 Ianthe promised that she should make her a summer dress and with this managed to get rid of her .
6 Now he was insisting that she should give him the dress she was wearing to pay off the debt .
7 ‘ I do n't see why she should call her a witch .
8 If I ask Shirley nicely she might lend me a couple .
9 He thought , eating it , that he must be careful not to be too metaphorical in his instructions , since , in her anxiety to obey him to the letter , she might feed him a diet of unrelieved soup and rice pudding .
10 She might do us a lot of harm .
11 ‘ I thought she might give us a mention but to get a personal donation like this is more than we could ever have hoped for . ’
12 ‘ Anyway , if I did have a village lass dying to do my cooking , do n't you think she might find you a bit off-putting ? ’
13 so hopefully she 'll give me a cheque next week he does n't get frightened so easily now does he ?
14 She 'll give you a description , when you get there , walk towards where the building , down the steps , and main reception area 's in front of you .
15 she 'll give you a weetabix bag .
16 Well she 'll give you the information wo n't she ? whereas
17 Maybe she 'll give it a bit of a clean-up then . ’
18 ‘ And Cynthia says she 'll give us a snack lunch . ’
19 With me , I might have problems with Dad , but Mum is always positive , and when something does n't look good she 'll tell me the truth too .
20 She said she 'll tell you a bit more about the Sunday about the the production we 're gon na put on .
21 She said she 'll send me a letter , but I reckon it 's too early to go and have a look .
22 Go with her and she 'll shew you the room we keep for visitors .
23 Once they had spent an enjoyable week in Bath and on another occasion he had suggested going to Cornwall so that she could show him the house where she was brought up .
24 If she alienates all the women she could do herself a lot of harm . ’
25 If only she could tell him the truth .
26 ‘ Emma saw her in Bamford and asked her if she could send her the book to sign and Harriet said yes , of course .
27 Surely she could send me a message of some sort ?
28 She could send him a proof of the article on the Holocaust she had written for Fem Sap .
29 So far not a word had been spoken and if she could manage it the girl would not even know tomorrow .
30 She might not be able to manage one of Marguerite 's culinary delights , but at least she could cook herself a meal .
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