Example sentences of "she [vb past] what [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then , belatedly , she realised what he had said : the whole of what he had said .
2 ‘ None , ’ before she realised what he had said .
3 When she realised what she had said she blushed .
4 Then she thought of Miss Clinton , and of her daddy and his white face as he ran to the car to chase Miss Clinton — and of poor Aunt Nellie and her scared eyes when she realised what she 'd done .
5 Before she had time to think , she 'd raised her own glass in response and it was only after she 'd sipped her drink that she realised what she 'd done .
6 He looked at her sharply and she realized what she 'd said , but met his gaze determined not to go back on the promise to herself .
7 Then she realized what she had said and put a hand over her mouth in consternation .
8 Her heart sank as she realized what she had laid herself open to .
9 Over coffee she asked what she knew had to be the silliest question in the world .
10 To the right of the back door , she found what she had hoped for , a Victorian window with a pane broken in the top light , leaving the catch within easy reach of someone of Theodora 's height .
11 And again she recognised what she 'd known then instantly : that she loved him and that he would make a perfect father for her daughter .
12 She believed what she had said and yet those last words had a curious prophetic ring — as if somewhere in those uncharted seas which man calls Time , they were echoing and re-echoing into the future .
13 She confirmed what you had told me about Edouard being beaten up and said she was afraid it was all because of her .
14 She repeated what she had said , only louder .
15 She repeated what he had heard already from the lips of Evans .
16 She repeated what I 'd said .
17 After a while she examined what I had done .
18 When this practice was questioned , the auxiliary protested that all the patients had their own bowls so she knew what they had eaten but that using one spoon was quicker , as she could feed more people at once .
19 For suddenly she knew what she had to do .
20 Suddenly , she knew what she had to do .
21 Gabriel spoke with feeling ; she knew what she had contributed to Belmodes since she had started to work there .
22 He had not said that he believed her , had only touched her for that fleeting moment , but she knew what she had felt .
23 She knew what she had to expect , the moment they were alone .
24 She was the leader because she knew what she wanted to do , but he knew many things she did not , although she was not prepared to admit that to him .
25 She knew what she wanted to do was wrong .
26 She knew what she wanted to learn and she knew where it was ; she just had to shovel it all into her head .
27 Mum was pleased as punch when she saw what we 'd got , particularly when the men arrived with the brass bedsteads and a red striped flock mattress .
28 When she saw what he intended to do , Flavia Sherman turned her head quickly .
29 She meant what she 'd said and she intended to keep her promise — but how would she survive another two weeks of living in such close proximity to Guido , when with every moment that passed her hopeless love for him grew deeper ?
30 Anne watched her for a few moments in stunned silence , trying to decide if she meant what she had said .
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