Example sentences of "she [vb past] and [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 When she had the hackles high on her shoulders , when she whined and scratched at the back door , then the house was watched .
2 Old Ranza , a very large and mostly white collie , sighed by her chair as she hummed and hawed at the cottage sketch .
3 She stopped and looked at the garden ; inside the square was a circle of flower beds .
4 She stopped and looked at the other three who were scrutinising her in amused silence .
5 He knew that she stopped and stared at the sea or the sky far too much these days .
6 She stopped and blushed at the stupidity of the question , adding quickly , ‘ You work here in the village , of course . ‘
7 The child stared towards it as if in recognition of something held in memory ; then she turned and looked at the old woman , who was sitting on the couch unlacing her boots , and she said , ‘ You have a garden . ’
8 It was so seldom that Aggie heard herself addressed by her surname that she turned and looked at the nun , but the woman 's eyelids were lowered as if in shame ; then she inclined her head towards the woman sitting behind the desk before turning and closing the door quietly behind her .
9 She turned and looked at the distant figure of Dorcas and her eyes narrowed .
10 She blinked and clutched at the wall behind her for support , searching his bland , secretive face to see if that was a blatant threat .
11 She blinked and nodded at the hospitallers .
12 She laughed and laughed at The Merry Wives of Windsor .
13 She laughed and cried at the same time , and could not let Oliver go .
14 She looked and looked at the place where the fire had been , searching for the future , but could only see ashes .
15 Feeling the whole blueness shutting in on her , walls running with cyan drops whose stench was acrid and bile , she wrenched and wrenched at the straps and at last the curving bottle came free .
16 She screamed and struck at the wolf .
17 She wept and spoke at the same time — uttering fragments of sentences , half completed threats , pieces of swear words , repeating the name Richard over and over with the intonation of a child calling for its mother .
18 At last , she paused and looked at the assembled staff .
19 He 's wonderful ! ’ she said and looked at the counsellor like someone confessing to her girlfriend that she has fallen in love .
20 ‘ Take her down ! ’ he ordered , and watched as she floundered and kicked at the man on each side of her .
21 When a few minutes later , amid the oohs and aahs from the three women , she stood and looked at the person staring back at her from the long mirror , she could n't believe it was herself .
22 In dark glasses , white dress , gold chain , she sat and looked at the sky .
23 She sat and stared at the view , while he opened the trunk and lifted out the sheet , complete with its light-brown rose of blood .
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