Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv prt] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 She got up slowly from the table , washed up the mug , and stood for some time absolutely still , staring .
2 So she got up slowly from the floor , the last few sobs still springing unbidden up her throat , and without looking round at the disordered room once more , she picked up her lamp and went down to her bedroom to change .
3 She got up stiffly from the table , with one last look at the scowling form of the man trying to work a way out of his hopeless situation , then walked slowly , limping a little , over the scratched glass floor of the room to the bright chill of the balcony .
4 Now , carrying a cardboard tray loaded with teas and coffees and soft drinks cans , she stepped in again from the street and felt the silence of the alley as it clamped in around her .
5 At long last she looked up imploringly from the depths of her tiny handbag , which prompted Mark to produce his lighter .
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