Example sentences of "she [vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 She looked at him in astonished silence and went bright red with embarrassment , remembering what she 'd said previously about adopting children .
2 And He knew she 'd paid sorely for having Jenny , paid in her own shame at being caught by a married man at her age , paid in being the cause of her death .
3 It was only a long-weekend break , perhaps , but after the never-ending block of work she 'd taken on since turning freelance she was more than ready for the rest .
4 She 'd wondered briefly about trying to pass the job along to Adele , but knew right away that it would n't work out ; she was supposed to be the unsentimental one , after all , the hard business-head and the scourge of the tradesmen .
5 She learned to stand up from sitting in a chair , and within two years she was able to walk short distances , even outside , with very little help .
6 The reluctant Vicomtesse now propped the broken mirror on a shelf and poked fingers at her hair which she had piled loosely before decorating with an ostrich feather .
7 She was careful not to disturb the make-up she had applied secretly before retiring , and checked it quickly in a polished bronze mirror that lay next to the bowl , the deep yellow glow from the oil lamp she had left burning providing her with just enough light to see that none had smudged .
8 ‘ Everybody needs a base , ’ she had returned lightly , refusing to let him dull the excitement she had felt ever since finding the farmhouse .
9 ( She had gone there for fitting out and trials of Aberporth . )
10 Not only had she managed to walk past these birds , but she had done so without experiencing the usual sense of panic .
11 Penelope thought it wiser not to point out that the Stores would certainly be closed by the time she got there , but felt she had done enough in showing her which bus to take .
12 She had rung off without asking Greg what his business was .
13 That day she had wandered off between leaving her mother 's kitchen and arriving in her grandmother 's sitting-room .
14 The yellowish-gray brick houses gave straight on to the street , which she had found only after turning out of another one , and then another .
15 The following Christmas she beat Gaye Brief by a neck in a thrilling race at Kempton Park and three months later ( in the meantime winning the Wessel Cable Champion Hurdle at Leopardstown ) took advantage of his absence from the Champion Hurdle line-up to become the first mare to win the race since African Sister in 1939 , though she had to fight hard before scrambling home by three quarters of a length from Cima .
16 She dealt with his query and recalled how , when she had been going over everything Naylor had said , including his certainty that someone else must be chipping in to pay her mortgage , she had got round to accepting that she just could not afford to go on living where she was .
17 In a way , she had come close to hating Nona at times , although she was not going to admit it .
18 The memory was made more bitter still by the fact that she had come close to believing it .
19 After John 's death , Mary proved she had listened well by signing a profitable contract with the RKO studios
20 She had known Sam all her life and though he was a worthy and hard-working man , she knew why she had held back from agreeing to marry him .
21 Given a new name , she got a new nationality , new passport — a new life that was far more fundamental a change than she had managed just by defecting .
22 Jetting across the Atlantic , after two years in America , she had looked forward to seeing her home town from the air , to retracing toy-sized , familiar landmarks , to marvelling at new unfamiliar ones .
23 There was a war on , so you did n't question anything ; and if she was completely honest , there had even been times when she had looked forward to leaving home with a kind of guilty relief .
24 But a short fur jacket that had belonged to Faith , one which fitted Kathleen and which she had looked forward to wearing the following winter , that had gone from its polythene bag in Faith 's wardrobe .
25 In his resignation press conference Michael Heseltine complained explicitly about Mrs Thatcher 's style and performance as Prime Minister , claiming that she had acted unconstitutionally in refusing him permission to discuss the issue in Cabinet and in forbidding him to restate views he had publicly expressed in the past .
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