Example sentences of "she [adv] [verb] [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Helen admitted that she rarely wears much make-up in the evening , apart from a little gold eyeshadow , blusher and lipstick .
2 Dexter noticed his boss did not suggest Lancaster address her by her Christian name in return : she only encouraged such informality from the victims of crime rather than its possible perpetrators .
3 She thus had little use for cinema which gave great weight to symbolism , and unfavourably contrasted symbolist poetry to the work of poets like Ezra Pound whose world operated , not through meaning , but through the ‘ direct impact of words ’ .
4 And although the old woman 's premonition was an unhappy one and mention of Daniel caused her an immediate spear of pain , she nevertheless felt purged ; she always felt some elation after being in the company of the story-teller .
5 Then she pretended to be a mute — she always invented some oddness about herself when consorting with the preening rich boys of the city .
6 She always had some piece of sewing stuck in her belt while she cooked .
7 You see and that al old aunt that I told you about she always referred this road through as the new road .
8 She usually enjoyed this part of the year immensely , but for once she was feeling quite unprepared for it .
9 Almost inevitably , questions about Dermot sent her into a rage — and she usually soothed that rage in a bottle .
10 When had she ever had any influence over Guido ?
11 ‘ The sex object , ’ quipped Maria , a sweet clenching sensation assailing her loins as she reflected on the helplessness of her response to his torrid lovemaking , resentment rising a second later because she still lacked any semblance of control over their relationship .
12 By anybody 's reckoning , she still had another week in which to go through agonies about it .
13 She lives in a large , sunny and specially adapted local authority bungalow in Northampton : the walls of the living room are decorated with her paintings ( done when she still had some use of her right hand ) and her kitchen cupboard is covered with postcards , love letters from old boyfriends and local newspaper articles .
14 Though when she might have let him know that she was quite able to make her own decisions , thank you very much , she remembered — she still wanted that interview with him .
15 See she still brings that dog up the school and it says on that paper you know no dogs allowed in the school .
16 This assumes she still has that amount of money .
17 She still has another year of injections and tablets before she 's fully recovered .
18 Then she carefully nicked another hole in her red fishnet stockings and , once on the pavement , readjusted the seams so they were nicely crooked .
19 She probably lived that sort of life herself , Stephen thought .
20 She probably had enough cash for a taxi , but the taxi habit still came hard to a girl from the sticks who was n't even used to being able to afford bus fare .
21 I do n't really know her breeding , but she clearly has some Arab in her and has a soft thin coat .
22 She also spent some time in her home country , Romania , which she left 20 years ago to live in the United States .
23 In 1937 she also did another season of variety , for which she always insisted on having her material specially written .
24 Could she really disregard that side of his nature which was so repellent to her ?
25 Dr Neil wanted to tell her to be careful , that she really had little idea of how hard and cruel the world was outside the privileged fastness in which she had previously lived , but he contented himself with saying instead , ‘ Have a good time , McAllister .
26 Irritably — she really wanted that cup of tea ; she was growing as bad as the British — McAllister turned off the gas ring , blew out the match , and walked to the front door , grumbling to herself , Hold your horses , I 'm coming , I 'm coming , when another urgent series of knocks sounded .
27 She often did that sort of thing these days — repulsing him just when she seemed to be warming again .
28 It has n't been much of a week for my wife either ; she now sees little prospect of winning back even a beefburger space in the deep freeze .
29 When she later read ( at Clare 's instigation ) the Pankhursts ' story , with the exhortation to suffragettes to be ‘ an iron fist in a velvet glove ’ , she immediately linked that image with the symbol of ‘ fist-in-a-bag ’ .
30 She then departs that day for a 15-night Mediterranean cruise , returning to the Mersey on September 29 and leaving that day for a 14-night Canaries and North Africa cruise which terminates at Southampton on October 13 .
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