Example sentences of "she [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no particular reason why he should not know what she was up to , but she instinctively felt an urge to keep it quiet for the moment .
2 She vigorously massaged the area to distribute the drug through his body more quickly .
3 As Tess , full of enthusiasm , came downhill towards the dairy , she suddenly heard the milking call , again and again , from all parts of the valley .
4 She suddenly felt the need to ride , to gallop at speed , her face into the wind and her mind filled with nothing but the rhythm of her mount .
5 However , to her great surprise , she suddenly felt the impulse to take a flying leap at the huge gap , and landed with the ease of an acrobat on top of the chest .
6 It was the gateway to life and one she suddenly had no wish to pass through , one she felt a gripping fear of passing through .
7 She entirely lacked the courage to approach it .
8 She only hoped the affair had n't gone too far for those things to cease to matter .
9 But towards end when she only , she only had a pound to lose and she paid about six week on run to go to get weighed to tell her she was exactly same weight .
10 No , because she had , she only needed a teenager left , she done the fifty to sixty age group
11 But it took a trained observer to follow her through the quicksands of her disapprobation ; a false step on the part of one of the aunts , for instance , could have reversed her attitude , and led her into a eulogy of black , into a martyred position whence the garments of all the others were an insult to her lone and exclusive widowhood , into a position where she alone had the right to flout the weight of tradition .
12 Because she alone has the capacity to give birth to and nurse children , her primary function is seen as one of mother and homemaker … it is clear that working occupies a more important place in the lives of men than women .
13 She constantly felt the need to get out of the house and go somewhere , anywhere … but always she would return to be punished , because there was nowhere .
14 It was only when his embrace became more adventurous , his hands more demanding as he became aroused , that she realised where they were heading and she finally found the strength to pull away from him .
15 As so often happened , she deliberated too long about the introduction of her own affairs , and when she finally found the courage to speak , she chose a bad moment .
16 He saw her shoulders shift , and she unconsciously raised a hand to undo the buttons of the bodice of the dark pelisse she still wore over an equally dark gown , the top of which was now revealed , made high to the throat .
17 If you have an entertainer , this is not likely to happen , unless you explain that you do not mind if he or she just lets the party run on its own for a while .
18 No , she just sounds a bit grot !
19 Now she had got them she just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her .
20 She quickly became the woman to beat .
21 She always says the crossing gives her an opportunity to relax and study her scripts . ’
22 ‘ I 'm sure she did , lots of times over the years , and she always got the door slammed in her face . ’
23 Either because she was at the bottom end of the family , or because she always had a book to study .
24 And that was what she 'd do if — if — she ever had the misfortune to run into Prince Nicolo Sabatini again .
25 I do n't think she ever let the water boil .
26 Would she ever have the strength to undo them .
27 She hardly had the energy to acknowledge the odd ‘ Well done , Kelly ’ she heard as she walked slowly towards the car park .
28 She deliberately got a bit drunk at dinner and when the lights were switched out let her head fall on to his shoulder .
29 And she closed one eye in a grotesque wink , leaving Sally-Anne to guess what the bit of all right was — a visit to a music hall or a theatre , she assumed — wrongly , for she still had a lot to learn about the ways of the aliens among whom she lived .
30 We were standing in the tiny lobby between the kitchen and the dining room , and she still had the clipboard clasped to her chest .
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