Example sentences of "she [modal v] [vb infin] [to-vb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If she could buy some make-up after the X-ray expedition the discolouration would be hardly noticeable — only she 'd have to borrow some money from Penry , she realised , frowning .
2 She 'd have to lose some weight , of course , and then maybe buy some new sexy underwear …
3 I knew she 'd have to find some way of getting over him but I did n't expect anything as drastic as this . ’
4 But she 'd have to find some way of squaring the situation .
5 She 'd have to find some way to forcefully evict him from her thoughts , and the only way to do that was to fill her mind with something completely different — like the party she was planning .
6 Tomorrow she would have to do some shopping ; she 'd kept most of her other clothes at the clinic .
7 She would have to find some way of raising the money herself .
8 She would have to have some money to support it , and it was only right he should pay for the pleasure he 'd had .
9 She said she 'd realised how tired your parents were becoming and she knew that if she wanted to remain at home on a long-term basis she would have to have some form of respite care .
10 There was , however , a growing realization in Whitehall that Britain could no longer ‘ go it alone ’ in weapon development , and so she would have to seek some form of closer partnership with the United States , at least , until Europe could provide a viable alternative .
11 Sue said a lorry from the area would be going to Brasov and without stopping to think , Christine asked if she would like to take some wool .
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