Example sentences of "she [modal v] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She may just have vital information that will give Bob the lead he 's looking for . ’
2 He or she should not receive extra punishment for not being overjoyed at being told off .
3 ‘ There is no reason why she should n't regain full fitness , ’ he said .
4 Yeah but she might not know English Christmas traditional questions .
5 She could easily have noble blood , she looked the sort .
6 She was advised that she could not receive homoeopathic treatment because the fund-holding practice had no appropriate contract .
7 In Santa Ana , she could n't do political work because of her bad reputation , so she left her child with her mother and joined the mass organization in San Salvador .
8 SHe could n't understand Tammuz' mania for disguise , given that nobody knew about what he had discovered , except for his friends below .
9 and all that , and she could only eat liquid food for six weeks
10 Well , she does buy vegetables , but she 'd rather buy frozen veg , 'cos it 's just easy for her , dead easy for her .
11 Who made his daughter eat a hamburger to prove that she would not catch Mad Cow Disease ?
12 Since the younger daughter , Zauditu , had married Taitu 's nephew , Ras Gugsa Wale of Begemder , Taitu was determined to put Zauditu instead of Lij Yasu on the throne when Menelik died , confident that she would then retain effective authority .
13 He had not anticipated that she would still retain sufficient will-power to deny him when he had asked his empty , ritual question .
14 ‘ The lady informs me , ’ said the Substitute as they drove away and the Captain reported the husband 's silence , ‘ that his brother is a bad lot , the bane of her life , that she would never have married Salvatore — who , I should tell you , is a saint , a veritable saint , when considered on his own — if she had known she 'd be stuck with the terrible Antonio as well .
15 In any case , her intense loyalty dictated that she would never discuss intimate family problems with outsiders .
16 Yeah , the Really Wild Show yeah She ca n't manage normal size
17 But she has vowed that she will not take financial help from the church .
18 This does not , mean , of course , that she can not speak Jamaican Creole , just that to characterise the whole of her generation as " Creole speakers " is much too simple .
19 She later shows her mettle as a clog dancer abetted by four pretty girls , tries to set her cap at Father Thomas , but finally realises she can not frustrate true love and dances out happily with the rest .
20 There is a procedure by which a plaintiff in a private action may be able to seek redress for a public law wrong even though he or she can not establish sufficient standing in accordance with the above rules .
21 She can still become Prime Minister though can she ?
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