Example sentences of "she [modal v] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 She 's go , she 'll have to go back behind the scenes and chat the other two up .
32 She 'll have to go down in the fattening fields with the cows . ’
33 For all at once she could feel sweeping in on her a sense of utter desolation , the like of which she had n't known for years .
34 With the scent of him dizzying her senses it was all she could do to hold on to her common sense once more .
35 She did not believe that she could bring Scathach back to life , but he could at least be with her in the fortress as she made her journey into the first forest , as she went in search of whatever it was that had ensnared Harry , made him a prisoner in Old Forbidden Place .
36 In this manner , she could get Alisdair out from under her feet for the morning and , when the meat from the present pig ran out , there would be a new one ready for slaughter .
37 Thanks to Leo she could afford to go out to Australia .
38 She could have stayed on in the country , until they found a place of their own , or even permanently , with William coming back at weekends .
39 She could have gone on for hours .
40 It amazed her , as she stared down at her right hand , that , while loving Naylor with every part of her being , she could have lashed out at him so violently .
41 She could have passed by without rumbling the Josephites , or just given them a light pasting and taken their food and fuel .
42 Helen says she 'd like to go back into space , if that does n't happen she 'll be happy to achieve at least one other mission : to encouraged more young people to take up science .
43 Anyway it was not always easy for Nellie to get up to Rosstrevor as often as she 'd like to catch up on any news .
44 This was the last day she 'd have to put up with her .
45 She 'd told him she 'd have to go back to work and he had laughingly agreed , making some quip about being escort to a star and hitting the gossip columns .
46 But he must come soon , or else she 'd have to go back in , for her mother might wake and sense her absence and go in and check .
47 Obviously she 'd have to go out to the shops from time to time , but she 'd had her hair dyed black on the Saturday , bought a new winter coat and a large pair of dark glasses .
48 If she 'd been in the kid 's place , she 'd have run off by now and left them all to it .
49 If he 'd been able to keep from gloating , she 'd have ended up in his bed , which was what he 'd intended right from the beginning .
50 ‘ Otherwise she 'd have gone over to one of the boys .
51 Queen Mary had such an eye for antiques , you see , if she 'd seen them , she 'd have gone off with the lot .
52 God knows what lie she 'd have made up to the staff , and they 'd have believed her .
53 I could see her English neighbour shutting her front door in our faces , and yet all the same we left the two children there , rushing away after I 'd pinched their cheeks to make them cry so that she 'd have to come out to them .
54 Right now all she 'd have to look back on would be frustration and longing suppressed by fear .
55 Otherwise she 'd have come through by now . ’
56 When the students had free time she used to like to go down to Camberwell to a flower seller who sold mimosa , which is a kind of wattle .
57 If Candy realised the game Adam was playing , she would go storming in with all guns blazing , never stopping to think of the possible consequences , all her protective instincts roused in defence of her best friend .
58 They would not cruelly ridicule the child but I think she would feel left out by the time the girls were ‘ settling in ’ , as she would not fit in ; girls have more subtle yet often more hurtful ways of rejecting one another and this would be felt by the outsider before long .
59 He kept his eyes fixed on the crest of the hill over which she would appear freewheeling down on her bicycle , black hair streaming and her long skirt ballooning out on either side like a bat 's wings .
60 She would have grown up with Marguerite 's calm influence around her ; she would have been more French than English .
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