Example sentences of "she [verb] been [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She has been on holiday in Dorset ( with a friend who lives there ) , and in Shropshire and in Kent .
2 She has been on HRT for four years , has never suffered dryness again and attributes to it her general energy and enjoyment of life .
3 But until changes in the registration of women 's occupation were introduced in 1986 there was a major difference between men and women : ‘ At the registration of the death of a child … the instructions to the registrars specify that the occupation … of a woman should not be recorded unless she has been in employment for most of her adult life . ’
4 We must ensure that hospitals have well thought out discharge plans for every individual , whether he or she has been in hospital for five years or just five days , and that follow-up and after-care services are available for a lifetime if necessary .
5 Since 1988 she has been in charge of organising the BDA 's centenary celebrations a task , which she has combined with bringing up her hearing daughter Nicola .
6 Mrs Clinton replied that she 'd been at college with him and they 'd had a very close relationship .
7 ‘ If she 'd been in love with Henry she 'd have agreed to be his mistress — not made him wait seven years for a divorce before she let him take her to bed .
8 She 'd been in touch with Tim Dunton , of course .
9 Her own business needed her attention , but she 'd been in touch with her manager , and everything was under control .
10 Jane came across one called Georgina , whom she had been at school with .
11 By the time InterSpray arrived back in Southampton she had been at sea for 156 days , 14 hours and 9 minutes .
12 In addition to seeing the plaintiff in court , I have had the advantage of seeing a video , key one , showing examples of her daily routine taken on the tenth of May nineteen ninety one after she had been at home with her parents for a year .
13 She had been on call for forty-eight hours , had snatched very little sleep , and was about to enjoy two full days leave .
14 As for HMS United she had been on station at the rendezvous ; but as it is barely possible to see a 10,000 tonner at 400 yards on a rough night there is little chance of seeing the recognition signals from a canoe when these torch or RG beams are a mere four feet ( just over a metre ) at arm 's length above the waves .
15 She had been on duty since Friday morning .
16 Anna did not say that she was not a virgin , that she had been to bed with two of the men in West Kensington and had been , at seventeen , much inclined to suppose herself in love with one of them .
17 It was someone she had been to bed with .
18 ‘ Made you afraid of men ? ’ he queried , and looked puzzled as to how that could be when he knew that , since leaving Ardis , she had been to bed with his cousin .
19 The ceremony meant an unscheduled return to work for Christine as she had been off work with a broken hip , but was well on the way to recovery and set for a New Year return .
20 She had been off work for several days and Lovebird had kept her in bed and fed her chicken soup from the stove .
21 She had been in love with Alexander .
22 She had projecting teeth and told everyone who would listen that she had been in love with Yorick since she was twelve .
23 It was only because his repeated invitations had made her think that maybe the young man did need the support of someone familiar that she had agreed to come to Lisbon — and because , after a hardworking summer , she had been in need of a break .
24 None of this mess was of her making , yet she was just as much a prisoner as if she had been in gaol like Clive .
25 They had evidently been sent by Judith : she had been in control of the treasure they brought with them , and , interestingly , of Charles 's regalia .
26 Her eighteen-month jail sentence was reduced on appeal — but not before she had been in prison for six months . )
27 She had been like clay in the hands of a master craftsman , and the most unpalatable knowledge was that she had n't had the strength to resist that breathtaking attraction .
28 Ever since she 's been under threat of eviction .
29 She 's been at centre since February and is 77 .
30 SHE 'S been in bed with Michael Douglas and Arnold Schwarzenegger .
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