Example sentences of "she [verb] turn [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was hungry and sorry she 'd turned off the radio .
2 It had echoed after she 'd left him , as she 'd turned into the archway in the wall and passed through the shrubbery of azaleas and magnolias and tree mallows , as she 'd passed through the drawing-room and the hall .
3 At eleven o'clock she had turned on the wireless to hear the old man tell them they were at war with Germany .
4 One woman , writing to a relative at the Front on the day of the invasion itself , said she had been ‘ speechless ’ as , wholly unawares , she had turned on the radio and caught Hitler 's proclamation about the campaign in the east .
5 Late one night she forgets to turn off the gas after heating up some left-over mutton vindaloo , and a loud explosion rocks the mansion as Tracey 's beautiful designer kitchen goes up in smoke .
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