Example sentences of "she [verb] she [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rumours have suggested Susan Hill was given a million pounds for writing it , she says she got nothing like that amount .
2 In a civil action at Wick Sheriff Court , Surria Amin is suing her brother-in-law , Mohammed Hafeez , for the return of money and jewels she says she gave him for safe-keeping pending settlement of her husband 's estate .
3 As she turned she saw him with startling clarity , brightly instantaneous as a camera flash .
4 She agreed to dance with him because , she says , she knew she had nothing in mind but to dance ( line 15 – 16 ) : i.e. from her point of view it was all innocent and involved nothing more serious than dancing .
5 And this filled the perverse daughter with a great desire to go even a little way into the wild wood , where there were no plates and no stitching , but might well be a need of such things as she knew she had it in herself to perform .
6 Six years before she died she presented it to the Municipality of Antibes ; now pieces she and her husband acquired in the Twenties , particularly from the 1923 sale of the Anthony de Rothschild collection at Aston Clinton , are coming up .
7 She talked about it today partly because she was warm , relaxed and happy , but more because she felt she owed it to Leo .
8 Getting ready helped to restore her calm and , in any case , she felt she owed it to Marguerite to make some effort on this first evening at her house .
9 A second or so later , though , she felt she had herself under control , and with her head still down she flicked her glance to Lubor 's feet .
10 She frequently wore no make-up , and when she did she put it on wrong .
11 So what did she mean , the proprietress of the lugubrious little estaminet on the banks of the lovely Loire , what could she have meant when she said she had nothing in the house for lunch ?
12 " Do n't worry , " Jenny added hastily , seeing Sara 's face , " I checked with Lizzie first and she said she had plenty of steak , and then I dressed it up and told Matthew you wanted to make the numbers even for your dinner party "
13 She said she knew nothing of a sectarian feud in the old days of Stormy Hill but if she did it was not the kind of thing you discussed with strangers , I sensed .
14 And she said she baked everything for that men .
15 She said she gave it to her daughter because she believed it was the only drug which could help alleviate her condition .
16 And she said she hit me with her elbow and it was n't it .
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