Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She 's back in the canteen from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. , when she goes home to the children and her working day starts its next shift .
2 2 She turns quickly on the balls of her feet to meet the advance .
3 Aunt Elena is a concert pianist , and she plays all over the country and in Europe , too .
4 And now she is married to Brian Bowen , towards whom she drives home through the January night .
5 Mrs Chalk was nowhere to be found , so she made straight for the medicine cupboard in the spacious Georgian-style kitchen with its enormous , old-fashioned white-painted cupboards and scrubbed-elm table , and located the painkillers , swallowing the dosage with water before setting about making the tea .
6 Turning from him , she made quickly for the door .
7 Her conscious understanding of how she was using language is clear from the explanations she gives for the expressions she uses in the poem : ( on line 2 ) " She lived outside in the open , so the air was like her house " ; ( on line 5 " the streets were like a giant shop where she could pick and choose out of bins and gutters " ; ( on line 8 ) " this means she was close to nature and she felt like the yew was her mother " .
8 PLUCKY Laura Davies is all set to achieve her main ambition tomorrow when she flies home from the US to begin school in Eccles , Manchester .
9 She wondered whether she should ring Bridget — she still had n't spoken to her since leaving Oxford on Monday morning — but , with Jamie 's visit imminent , she shied away from the thought .
10 But she shied away from the idea .
11 She gazed unseeingly across the room , ashamed of her own weakness , all too aware of her vulnerability .
12 She gazed dispiritedly into the mirror , and the face looking back was like that of a stranger , pale and hollow-eyed .
13 Lying on her back , stretched flat beneath the sheet , she gazed abstractedly at the oblong of high , cobalt-blue sky framed in the window .
14 The tea forgotten , she gazed blankly through the window .
15 She laughs quietly in the darkness .
16 She toyed uncertainly with the idea of handing in her resignation today .
17 She crept softly across the room to the piano and touched the keys , although without applying any pressure .
18 She crept stealthily along the gallery , not daring to put on a light in case she should wake Luke , past his room , feeling carefully in the half-darkness .
19 No-one had said whose the other was , but from the tone of their glances Elizabeth guessed he was her husband 's — she glowed inside at the word .
20 So she got straight onto the DHSS and I got a grant for three single beds and bedding .
21 Usually when she got home with the bread Léonie dumped it on the kitchen table .
22 ‘ This has knocked her back , she has been very poorly and really cried when she got home from the hospital .
23 She rode furiously to the asylum grounds and looked up at the tree where the leaves had run riot in late summer .
24 She clung hard to the thought .
25 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
26 She bent closer to the painting and gazed at the master 's signature .
27 She writes all over the table and all .
28 He handed down the cane and the bicycle lamp and she waded away into the shadows as the curious faces of the villagers , the anxious face of her father , peered down at her .
29 She peered suspiciously at the sheet , now folded neatly at the end of one of the benches .
30 She peered intently at the tears in the garments .
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