Example sentences of "she [verb] [Wh det] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When she asked what she should think again about , she was advised to train for office work .
2 She wonders what it will look like by midnight .
3 She practised what she 'd say to Sir Willie on the other dealers .
4 she lacks what I would call sales technique
5 She knew what she would use to make the mask , but when she returned to the glade where , yesterday , she had visited the Moondream rajathuk , she found it quite destroyed .
6 Almost at once , she knew what she must do .
7 She knew what she must do .
8 She knew what she must do .
9 She knew what she could do to him , things she bet porcelain Xanthe would never know .
10 She had an exact estimation of herself ; she knew what she could accomplish now , and was certain of what she would be capable later .
11 When , in the last days of November , a telegram arrived she knew what it must contain and trembled as she held it in her hand .
12 She knew what he would say .
13 It was only then she saw what she should have noticed immediately : a bunch of keys with one stuck in the lock , many of them hung with labels .
14 But now she feared what he might do .
15 Embarrassment curled hotly through her as she remembered what she 'd read and she snatched up the case and marched towards the door , but it was n't that easy to push it from her mind , not when she remembered Luke Calder 's mockery .
16 This on top of everything else , she seemed to be thinking , although she did what she might to eliminate exhaustion and scorn from her voice .
17 so she said what I 'll do she said is I 'll leave the key to the garage under two bricks at the side of the garage
18 She wondered what they would make of it as she got out the vacuum cleaner and started to run it over the drawing-room carpet .
19 She wondered what he would do now , and where he would live .
20 The warm weight was a comfort and a delight , and she wondered what he would say if he knew .
21 Staring from the window , her mouth curved in a smile , she wondered what he would say if she told him that if he did make love to her he would be the first .
22 He had had little to say to her since then , having turned his attention to the red-headed horsewoman she had today identified , from the servants ' gossip at the back of the church , as Mrs Covington-Pym She wondered what he could have to say to her now , not expecting it to be pleasant .
23 She thought of the jokes they 'd shared , bundled up chastely in her bed , and she wondered what it would have been like if they had made love .
24 She wondered what it would take to make him even slightly nervous .
25 She wondered what she would have done without Sadie 's friendship .
26 She wondered what she could say .
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