Example sentences of "she [verb] [pron] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 No I was talking to Julie yesterday , she phoned me up at the
2 And erm she phoned me up on the Sunday .
3 She caught him up in a breathless embrace , then gave a little gasp of alarm as she seemed to notice the two policemen for the first time .
4 I noticed that she was very modest in front of me , going through mild contortions putting on her undies beneath her dressing-gown , and once when it fell off , revealing her shabbily but quite decently clad in a mauve rayon slip , she snatched it up with a quick " Sorry dear " .
5 She levered herself up on an elbow , gazing down at his handsome , tanned face .
6 ‘ We 're going to have to do something — because I simply ca n't tell you two imps of mischief apart , ’ Laura muttered , groaning as she levered herself up against the pillows .
7 With a final searching look at the haunted image in the mirror she drew herself up with a deep breath and walked down the narrow passage to meet him .
8 ‘ Not my sister , ’ she drew herself up in the chair .
9 After that , she showed him up into a chamber at the top of the house .
10 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
11 I bet she keeps you up to the mark .
12 Mary Rose took off her mink and handed it to a large redheaded girl , who looked at it and stroked the silky fur before she hung it up on the back door among the muddy anoraks .
13 Feeling rather conspicuous in her towel and bikini , she followed him up to the palatially decorated VIP suite , and into the bathroom — trying not to notice the bedroom they passed through on the way .
14 ‘ It was good of you to get in touch with me , Simon , ’ she murmured as he hooked down the loft-ladder and she followed him up into the roof space .
15 But he doubted if he could have stood her voice for a full evening ; it grated on him when she chatted him up over the counter .
16 She pulled herself up onto an elbow to gaze at him .
17 She pulled herself up on the bed and , kneeling in such a way that George could see her breasts to their best advantage , took his phallus into her mouth .
18 She pulled herself up to the level of the bonnet by hanging on to the wing mirror then snatched at a scrap of folded paper .
19 She took me up to an apartment and started giving me a blow-job .
20 She rolled herself up in a ball and covered her head .
21 She preferred to use vagina — until she looked it up in the dictionary , which gave its etymology ( vagina is Latin for ‘ sheath ’ , as in where you keep your sword ) .
22 As she heaved herself up against the pillows she discovered she was wearing a man 's shirt , extra-large and striped , and she 'd never seen that before , either .
23 He passed a mug to her and she propped herself up on the pillows to accept it .
24 She propped it up on the mantelpiece , and went to the kitchen .
25 She puts it up in a bun and things like that .
26 It seems she dressed herself up in the most provocative way possible when she got into this state and behaved like a caricature of the rich foreigner .
27 Dawn used it look , she put it up in the cupboard .
28 As Travis set her down on her good leg inside the hut she gave herself up to a sense of fatalism .
29 She gave herself up to the water almost gratefully .
30 Her eyes drifted shut and she gave herself up to the kiss 's magic , her own lips even more gentle and tentative than his .
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