Example sentences of "she [verb] [prep] he [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or else she turns to him in the middle of dinner and asks : ‘ What 's happening about the Matterhorn , Howard ?
2 With as much dignity as she could muster , she stalked past him into the bathroom .
3 He stopped by the gate and waited as she limped towards him in the darkness .
4 She beamed at him over the rim of her glass .
5 Then she peered at him over the barrier of her firmly folded arms and expressed a thought that had occurred to her before , but that now she felt impress itself on her even more strongly .
6 She peered at him through the semi-darkness .
7 She moved past him to the kitchen , where she put the kettle on the gas .
8 Smiling shakily back and in response to his urging , she sank with him to the floor .
9 Her legs felt absolutely leaden as she trudged after him towards the house .
10 She came with him to the door .
11 She came with him to the door , and the light from the hall cut an orange path across the roadway .
12 She came with him to the door , uneasy , perhaps scared .
13 ‘ So since he asked for you again , ’ Charlie went on as she climbed past him into the back of the cab , ‘ make sure that whatever you did for him , you just keep on doing it . ’
14 ‘ That 's more than you 'd dare , Deveraugh , ’ she threw at him from the relative safety of the riverbank , and he laughed softly , the sound of it filling her ears as she sped across the grass .
15 She turned to him with the first real interest in her face that he 'd seen .
16 She turned towards him on the pew and put her hands up and caught his collar .
17 She turned from him on the words and was aware that her tone had risen at the last .
18 Rachel was pale as she walked beside him into the cool marble courtyard , the towering stone fountain echoing beneath the glass dome .
19 Nellie 's face took on a hard look as she walked beside him along the tiled corridor .
20 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said levelly as she walked past him through the door he held open .
21 She walked past him to the door , and though he followed and came quickly up to her side he did not again offer her his hand .
22 She walked past him into the tiny hallway and picked up her bags , noticing with relief that he was n't around when she fled up the narrow wooden stairs to one of the three bedrooms , the one furthest away from his .
23 She walked past him into the room , which was very similar to her own in style , but which bore the unmistakably masculine stamp of its occupant .
24 She walked past him into the big sitting-room and he followed her , lounging insolently against the door-frame as once more his eyes seemed to strip her .
25 She walked with him to the bus-stop , would not let him walk her back to the flat , said not to follow her ; she 'd watch , be angry .
26 She walked with him to the garage , and as he got into her car she leaned forward and kissed his cheek lightly .
27 ‘ This is only the beginning , you know , ’ he said one day as she walked with him round the garden .
28 She felt again the fear she had known when she walked into him in the dark passage .
29 ‘ Would you like a cup of coffee ? ’ he said to her at a station , and she grinned at him over the cardboard beaker , holding it with both hands .
30 She stiffened beside him in the darkness , absorbing the bitter truth .
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