Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [verb] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Words are not the only type of information we may wish to include in a computerised record of museum collections .
2 I knew we should 'ave met in the pub , ’ he said lightly .
3 Yeah but I thought we should get cracking in the car .
4 We never in practice achieve the homogeneity of physical properties we should like to assume in the applications of elasticity theory .
5 In respect of in public services , it was a minefield for a long time and perhaps we did not react as we should have done in the early eighties .
6 We should have knocked in a couple of goals and killed off the game . ’
7 During the next few months and years , we must avoid continuing in the trap that we were in before .
8 We 'll have to leave in an hour , ’ he said .
9 and I says then we 'll have to come in the back and all them dishes standing there and , and that 's one thing John hates , if any of his ones come up
10 We 'll have to stay in an hotel .
11 oh right , well we 'll have to look in the credits at the end and see
12 We 'll need to put in a new suite . ’
13 The use of robots in manufacturing industry is an often-quoted example of job destruction ( or , as we might have said in a more optimistic era , job saving ) .
14 Thus we find a much more uniform field-pattern , uniform as regards both size and shape , than we might have expected in the grazing counties of central England .
15 The sort of applications which we might wish to make in the future would be for an example that an interim payment be made out of the money in court or that the money be transferred to the public trust office , we do n't know how we should proceed yet , but if we are at liberty to apply generally
16 And one of the reasons I wanted to run for president is to open the floodgates for debating ideas so that we could try to change in the appropriate way . ’
17 We could have passed in the corridor .
18 ‘ Perhaps we could have won in the end but I am sure we can finish the job this week . ’
19 This is n't the kind of thing we 'd want to see in the minutes , is it ? ’
20 The RAF took into its care a lot of youngsters and instilled some qualities into them which we 'd like to see in the youth of today
21 But I 'm not prepared to stay on here under sufferance , knowing that we 'd have to go in the end .
22 Oh aye , we 'd have had in the process mind .
23 If we 'd have put in a price based on A C scaled fees , we would have overspent by a hundred and fifty five percent .
24 And in the winter time we used to love to linger in the bakehouse coming home cos it was so warm .
25 When we went to gigs David used to travel in Ralph Horton 's car and we used to have to go in the old ambulance which replaced the old Atlas van .
26 Bother — so have I. We shall have to go in a convoy — it 's only five minutes away .
27 We shall have to go in an aeroplane for a whole day , can you imagine ?
28 This book has discussed only a few of the innovations we shall have to assess in the next five years or so .
29 They place a predictable emphasis on language ( particularly English ) and on Mathematics , an emphasis which we shall see intensified in the actual curriculum .
30 There are aspects of the funding council which we shall seek to change in the other place .
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