Example sentences of "we [vb past] [adv prt] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We got up from the seat and strolled along the terrace .
2 I reckon we got down from The Bells , Chell 's Field , to the bottom of , six , seven minutes .
3 when we got back from the mission and inspected the guns , we found he had put the right gun in the left barrel and vice versa .
4 wrote to all the same places again this year and the response we got back from the schools was that this particular year they 've got nobody coming forward who they consider would
5 " I do hope we see some good views of puffins , " said Jane as we moved off from the mooring .
6 We dropped down from the Spa to a long stretch of empty beach and the sergeant shouted " " Right , sprint to those rocks !
7 After a time we dropped down from the hills on to a flat gravel plain where the track ran straight as a drawn line .
8 We were in a shabby little hole in Paddington , and when we came back from the pub that night he went walking up and down that hotel room , sticking his chest out and saying , ‘ I 'm the sex queen of Bloomsbury .
9 Oh well I b , it were , we all had to be in the union anyway and so we used to er we used to go to the meetings a a a you know as youngsters and then when we came back from the Army we 'd got to the union meeting as well .
10 In my judgment , the election campaign started when we came back from the Christmas recess — Order .
11 Shortly before yesterday 's debate on the economy you told the House that in your opinion the general election campaign started when we came back from the Christmas recess .
12 Tommaso appeared as we came in from the street , hamming it up just the way I remembered .
13 which was that four point one was n't included in the papers that went to staff consultative , which was the general list of things that we pulled out from the brainstorm last time .
14 ‘ They were a hazard to the Galapagos turtles , they were attacking the sand cranes and also the brown pelicans we brought in from the wild because they were injured , ’ said John Dreyer , for Disney World .
15 It all took just over a bio-day , after which we drifted down from the Valve and touched ground at the spaceport .
16 and we went in from the end and er down the pitch and in through the saw the physio room and the , the changing room , baths upstairs saw the trophy .
17 Well she 's got yes she got a she she sleeps in a in a special place but what she does is she 's got a rug erm we 've got a a rug in front of the fire here that we bought back from the States , and everything she finds that she likes she brings into the lounge and puts on the rug .
18 We stood out from the rest , who would be played by girls or women — supers as they were called — hastily chosen early on the Monday of our arrival in the town .
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