Example sentences of "we [vb base] [art] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 We regret the use of the word genocide in the motion since it is quite out of proportion erm as well as being offensive to many .
2 However , we regret the use of the word genocide in the motion since it is quite out of proportion
3 We advocate the use of the knee-elbow position in all cases of toxic megacolon to deflate the bowel and achieve relief of symptoms .
4 I mean by this attitudes of wonder , reverence and awe , as we contemplate the beauty of the universe and note the fragility of its life-systems .
5 We recognise the complexity of the situation and the fact that there is a shortage of skills , so we make no criticism of the time that this process has taken .
6 Invoking ( 3 ) leads us to assert that this is a real property of A ( or B ) even in the circumstance that we make no measurement of the u component .
7 Then we make a tour of the commune — we visited a secondary school ( altho the children were away , it being Sunday ) and were duly impressed by what had been achieved , esp .
8 The State grant remains the same , although in view of our rising reputation there are rumours it might be increased next year , especially if we make a success of the new production . ’
9 But , if we make the reward of the item of food erm not predictable , okay , so it comes at variable intervals er then the rat actually works harder pressing the lever , it 's more likely to do the behaviour and it 's less likely to give up doing that behaviour afterwards , okay ?
10 By this we mean the maintenance of the status quo as a conscious policy based upon a set of values which are promoted by or embodied in the status quo .
11 Becket had , indeed , died for the liberty of the Church , if by that we mean an acceptance of the universal law of the Church and the freedom of the church courts to try certain cases and exercise jurisdiction over the clergy as a separate caste .
12 Everyone is keen to see otter , but again they prove elusive and we round the north of the island with nothing other than a few passing gannet , some tysties and shags and a couple of rabbits spotted among the peaty banks .
13 We gain an impression of the quantities of oak involved from the estimates for the building ; the 55 m³ ; would have been obtained from about 18 mature oaks .
14 We have chosen the South Face , for we fear the Normal Route will no longer do for our insatiable appetites , but as we gain the foot of the face the snow worsens desperately and Enrique if obliged to wade through powder to a dubious perch on the lip of the bergschrund .
15 Here we report the cloning of the human N-Oct 3 cDNA .
16 We sense the alienation of the man who experiences his surroundings without participation : even his observations seem to come from some extrinsic impulse .
17 If we eliminate the name of the place as being the first word , we 're down to Centenary or Bramley then .
18 I think it can , as long as we realise the inadequacy of the simple linguistic model of communication ( addresser-message-addressee ) not only to literary discourse , but to any discourse .
19 We want no repetition of the other evening . ’
20 Erm you know , and also we want a picture of The presentation is n't actually on the day , the presentation will be at the school .
21 We want the spirit of the Act , that the parents should be in position to cope , to come through , but they 're certainly not gon na be .
22 In this report we provide a summary of the major research undertaken in recent years in Britain , and draw conclusions , insofar as this can be done .
23 The challenge that many of us face today is that we have a choice — whether or not we go out to work , how much domestic machinery we use , how much we involve the rest of the family in housework , whether or not we employ someone else to do the cleaning , how many take-away meals are put on the table , and so on .
24 Let us assume that we persuade the Government of the day to allow one day of prime Government time for that debate .
25 In his career we catch a glimpse of the medieval miles strenuus .
26 Here we show a selection of the latest kitchen designs .
27 While the mood of the letters sequence was naturalistic , this time we can indulge in a little magic and mystery as we show the decking of the tree with all kinds of colourful lights and baubles .
28 Such episodes may , of course , be confused as passing acknowledgements , but the readiness to exchange such signals is one of the ways in which we register the normality of the passing scene and it is when we encounter consistent anomalies in the broadcast that we begin to suspect and perhaps report something odd .
29 We welcome the creation of the G M B Health and Safety Service specialized staff quality publications campaign and support in workplace activi activities but as long as this government allows unscrupulous employers to explore , exploit the low pay , lower inspection rates , the accident rate will climb and our safety reps will get increasingly frustrated .
30 We welcome the recognition of the value of small urban and rural shops .
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