Example sentences of "we [vb base] [art] [noun] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 It is when we make an attempt to clarify it that the confidence begins to desert us in the face of difficulties .
2 But it 's important we test the equipment to check it works , before we take it on site .
3 For this reason we urge the Government to revise it thoroughly before it is published .
4 For this reason we urge the Government to revise it thoroughly before it is published .
5 Or , we drop the requirement to have it .
6 Almost all of us will never be back on another Lions ’ tour of New Zealand and if we manage a series win it would be an awesome achievement .
7 And the water is always there if we take the trouble to find it .
8 Suppose we honestly believe that some treatment is unlikely to bring us a benefit that makes worthwhile the pain or distress involved , we have every right to refuse it .
9 To be involved professionally in a thing as creative as this is a great privilege and we have a duty to make it in such a way that we can help bring pleasure and a sense of fulfilment to those who are not so fortunate .
10 And we have a woman does it .
11 He said : ‘ We have no plans to close it down again although we have that power . ’
12 We have no plans to change it .
13 We have a very small range of such titles and we have no plans to expand it . ’
14 ‘ We think it unlikely — at least , we have no evidence to suggest it ; but we are already well launched on a comprehensive review of that sector of the membership . ’
15 We have no reason to give it to some foreign country .
16 ‘ Now we have the opportunity to show it , and I think we are more than capable of doing so .
17 Conservation can not work unless we have the will to make it work .
18 We have the ability to monitor it and I think that the discussions will have to take place as the director brings forward his proposals .
19 We have the ability to colour it through our personalities , and shape it according to our imagination .
20 ‘ I think we have the team to do it , and this is the opportunity to do it ’ , he told the players .
21 At Delta we have the facts to support it .
22 Commonly we consider a disease to be the symptoms that we experience when ill but if we are to take the susceptibility into account then we need a word to include it in this larger view of disease .
23 I think , I think we need a meeting to get it laid down , we need a meeting to clear the air or not clear the air necessarily but get some definitions some definitions down yeah ?
24 I have moved pianos upstairs , in certain cases where it 's a very open staircase and a straight one , but we wo n't normally do that cos er we need the equipment to do it , the proper sled and everything and we have n't got those things because we would n't be asked upon to do it often enough .
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