Example sentences of "we [vb base] [verb] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We 've used him in the past on a few projects .
2 It 's conclusive , we 've got him in the area , the timing 's right .
3 We 've put him in the side ward , just as a precaution . ’
4 Well it could be after we 've walked him in the morning .
5 But Iago 's ‘ practice ’ is so assured , his control of surface and perspective so total , that we have to put him in the highest class of hypocrites , along with Satan .
6 We have sought him in the promptings of our hearts or the resolutions of our committees .
7 WE HAVE decapitated him from the dictatorship , ’ said General Powell , briefing the press in the Pentagon on Sky , which comes into its own on stories like this .
8 We have decapitated him from the leadership of his country .
9 As we draw near to him in our distress , we learn to ask him for the things we need .
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