Example sentences of "we [vb base] [verb] [adv] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The flagship of the British labour movement , nothing less , that 's the vision , that 's what we want to try and create and that 's what we want to come back to you and tell you about the prospects next year .
2 We hope to go back to our core business , ’ he said .
3 If we try to hold on to everything we end up with nothing .
4 And when we fail to live up to our own high expectations , the more we feel we deserve punishment and blame .
5 If we avoid facing up to it we then make it more likely that the next time the situation , or a similar one , is encountered we will avoid it again .
6 I think , I hope we 've pointed out to you the essential differences between what Brian would be looking for as a , as a magazine editor if you like , and what I would be looking for as a , as a news editor .
7 I mean the mixer 's just as bad but really we 've got on to them Brian did and they made a good job , they squared it up .
8 Right , so now we 've got round to what we can do for the casualty , let's have a look and see what the body 's trying to do here and then we 'll say how you 'll help them a bit more .
9 I think we have to go back to what is the fundamental purpose of the York new settlement and that is to meet some of the development plan requirements of the Greater York area .
10 Portsmouth 's manager , Jim Smith , said : ‘ The FA Cup has cost us at least six League points and now we have to get back to our priority of winning promotion . ’
11 And we have to specify internally to us what will meet the client needs and even just exceed the client needs .
12 He told the Prime Minister : ‘ We have handed over to you a united country .
13 To understand this relationship properly we need to go back to our underlying semantic model .
14 Both views , of course , are distortions and we need to listen again to what the other is really trying to say .
15 If the blood tests show anything specific that we need to get back to you on , we will contact you directly .
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