Example sentences of "we [modal v] make a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we drop a tin can probably nothing will happen ; at the worst we may make a small dent .
2 I think we should make a serious effort to get some progress on this thing . ’
3 He puts great emphasis on the difficulties of prediction , and urges that where there are rules to which people do in fact adhere for the most part , and which help maintain the social stability required for any kind of good to flourish , we are likely to come nearest to doing what is objectively right ( in terms of its actual consequences ) if we also stick to the rules , but that where the rules , however useful they would be if generally obeyed , are widely flouted we should make a direct judgement of what will have the best consequences .
4 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
5 We must make a joint appeal , unifying the interests of those whose support we seek .
6 In another analogy , our mind can be thought of as a huge tapestry in which the many episodes of life were originally isolated and there was no relationship between the parts ; but at last we must make a unified scene of our whole life .
7 These data are of interest not only because of the support they provide for the cohort model , but also because of a more general point they make about cognition , namely , that we must make a clear distinction between the sequence of processing stages and the accessibility of these stages for consciousness , or for the control of responses .
8 As we listen to these phrases that rolled so easily off the tongue , and which have also rolled on down through history to our own time , we must make a special effort to remember very carefully just who the men were who engineered the Garotter 's Act — what kind of men they were ; what kind of times they lived in ; and what forces helped to shape their upright moral certitude .
9 " We must make a determined effort to win the rank and file of the ILP. " he wrote , " at the same time to avoid creating the impression that there are no fundamental differences between our Party and the ILP " .
10 Where there are no established rules to guide decision we must make a direct judgement as to what will have the best consequences , concentrating on the more immediate and those we are personally most motivated to promote , as the remote future is highly unpredictable and we are unlikely to do much to promote what is not personally inviting .
11 We 'll make a great team , Jeanne .
12 And I remember one of the women saying , Oh well we 'll pick at Quix we 'll make a real fuss .
13 We 'll make a rough division into fiction and nonfiction for a start , ’ he said .
14 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
15 see the availability of rooms and then we 'll make a firm decision .
16 Actually , Rose , could you give it another ten minutes , because Nicole will probably come round , and then we 'll make a big pot of tea for all of us .
17 So we 'll make a little centre somewhere .
18 The local principal teacher , Jerry Keating , said ‘ We 'll make a fair effort at stopping them .
19 We 'll make a proper job of this ! ’ she declared , and putting her fist into the crown , she forced it up as high as she could push it , and wore the resulting sombrero for the rest of the term .
20 Here you are one time only twenty s twenty per cent savings on a single purchase of Debenhams own brand throughout the store erm Debenhams has bought to blah blah blah outstanding values da da da and to encourage to do your Christmas shopping at Debenhams we 'll making a special offer that you wo n't be able to resist until December the twenty fourth commencing on November you can get an amazing twenty per cent off at any Debenhams own bought range , that means you can shop throughout the store , visit every floor , buy all your gifts under one roof and save twenty per cent providing you do all your shopping in one go to get the benefit of the voucher because the voucher can only be used once from men 's , woman 's fashions , accessory , children 's clothes , furnishings , gifts simply present this voucher and attach simply present the voucher attach and receive the train fare discount , we hope you enjoy your shopping .
21 We could make a similar point about the psychological literature explaining subculture as resistance to parental norms .
22 The proportions are good and we could make a separate flat for Nonni .
23 ‘ So if we rebuilt it in a more palatial style we could make a real killing when we sold it .
24 If they were unshackled from the current over-rigorous financial constraints , perhaps we could make a real impact on a problem which threatens Britain 's credibility as a civilised nation .
25 Er , that 's a difficult question because we bought er anywhere we could er , and where we thought there was leather that we could make a small profit on .
26 Because then we could make a conscious decision as as a management team , as to whether we were gon na increase the price to five thousand five hundred or six thousand
27 question , issue three C two and three er we say that in relation to two as a matter of have categorize this as a question of law we say it probably categories a question of fact because if they 're right in there analysis of law and article eighty directive , all it means is , is that there is no market outside and that the restriction is insignificant if that being so one would answer the question , is not capable as a matter of pure law of infringing article eighty five , but in the light of the discussion yesterday afternoon of course when my learned friend comes to apply for this strike out , we may have difficulty in contesting that provision it 's not , not er , a , a major part of our case that we , we would have to re-consider it and , and I did ask your Lordship erm if your Lordship would minded to find otherwise not to block out at least the possibility of application for leave to amend and of course we 'd have to make , have to consider whether we could make a proper case out of it on what we do
28 " We could make a lovely still-life .
29 But we know that we 'd make a frightful hash of it .
30 We could share all the money I earn — and I believe we 'd make a great deal . ’
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