Example sentences of "we [be] [adv] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 To go into detail would carry us too far from the main pathway of this chapter , for you will remember that we are already out on a digression .
2 … But now that faith has come , we are no longer under a custodian .
3 We are no longer in a world where everything is perfect , but neither are we in a world where everything is evil .
4 1.3 These emphatic results have given the trade union a clear mandate to pursue a better settlement and we are therefore not in a position to accept the current offer .
5 ‘ Curry is great value and it is bound to have a big appeal for MPs because we are so often in a hurry . ’
6 ‘ We played to the game plan , worked tremendously hard and we are still in with a chance . ’
7 We are now clearly in a mature market and the challenge is to both optimise recovery from existing fields and maximise the development of new marginal fields .
8 We are now back to a situation where industry is both poacher and gamekeeper " .
9 Unfortunately we are hardly yet in a position to estimate these rates in terms of years .
10 At the secondary level we are certainly in for a decade of reform .
11 The youth situation has never been better , We 're still in with a chance of getting into Europe and the club is fiancially viable .
12 Yes , we 're never out on an exercise with the
13 we 're obviously now in a position where we can do a great deal more in terms of analysis .
14 We should be , we we 're only here for a little while cos I 'm going to spend some time with the girls cos I ai n't see their
15 I do n't know what their motivation is but we 're certainly not on a nostalgia trip .
16 We 're certainly not in a position to do so at the moment .
17 We were just out for a picnic and bit of sightseeing .
18 We were just out for a ride , We came here by accident .
19 We were then both at a very comfortable period of life , and I do n't know why no one has ever prayed to the gods for perpetual middle age .
20 We were only in for a quiet drink , is a' . '
21 We were only there for a few weeks .
22 When Elsie had to retire for health reasons , we were once again without a teacher but Hilda Lodge and Eleanor Pitman helped out and then Joan Gatfield , a leader in training , decided to do some training with us .
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