Example sentences of "we [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the morning , we suddenly woke up and said , ‘ Oh no , — we 're supposed to be getting married at 11 o'clock .
2 However the guys did n't give up , and we just came out and turned the game around . ’
3 I mean , those are just we just went out and chucked a few fucking trees down .
4 We just went in and did everything for everybody .
5 ‘ The band had only been together a couple of months before we started recording that album , so we did n't have time to think about it too much — we just went in and did it .
6 So we just went in and recorded it . ’
7 Anyone who 's vigilant knows what 's going on and they 're aware of what 's happening , so again it , it shows that we must do something as they said on that motorway , the thing to do when you feel yourself going into drow drowsiness is , is stop the car perhaps , get out and have a walk round , do something , I know I , er in the past when I 've felt myself going off to sleep in those situations , I 've been pinching myself and , and really making yourself do something rather than just sitting there doing nothing , cos that 's the way we just go off and get lowered into sleep and our lives are involved in this , we 've read and heard about people that have gone to sleep on motorways have n't they ?
8 So what I 'm saying is erm I happen to think that the A L O stuff is some of the most valuable stuff that we do , it 's really one of the main ways forward and if we just sit back and do nothing about it it 's gon na just be wiped out at a a swipe .
9 Ca n't we just stay in and play ?
10 It has to be said that the world would be a much better place if we just got on and did things instead of waiting for other people to do them on our behalf .
11 Many of them looked at us curiously , but we just stared back and motored on .
12 I do n't want to be ‘ kept ’ by him , so if I ca n't afford to go out we just stay in and read together or just watch television .
13 We just give up and go through the motions and we let our negativity harden inside us .
14 But he 's not the sort of person that 'll say ah yeah we 've been doing this for a little while , why do n't we just take off and go somewhere and fuck it , fuck it , let's just go and do something together he 's the sort of person that they would settle down into this safe little life and , which would n't actually be that safe for Vanessa , it 'd be very very you know , much what Dangerous wants to do .
15 Well , Right love we 'll inform you know we just phone up and let them know what 's happened .
16 ‘ We have discussed our marriage many times over the last four or five years and then we just sat down and put everything into perspective .
17 We promptly went out and proved a point by taking six wickets with a new one .
18 It was and they say go and we always run out and hide a find some decent position .
19 The curious thing about industry is that if we think for ten minutes and draw a picture of the kind of organization we would least like to work in , and hence the one where we are least likely to be effective , we often look about and see just such an environment around us .
20 As there will be no catch in this chaos we simply reel in and watch the merry-go-round .
21 ‘ If we simply sit back and do nothing , we could lose both mother and baby .
22 Perhaps we then go on and create a drama about a theme park .
23 We then moved on and expanded we expanded we brought with with a minimum of two words to do with each of those twelve words that we generated and we did this in a much faster way a much more creative way a right brain activity .
24 To which we add a whole series of other factors that we then kick around and argue over .
25 We hurriedly pushed off and rowed out into mid-stream .
26 but here we , we never go up and go in the general by the
27 Then we e enhanced it and then eventually er Robin knocked this up you see from all the work we 'd done , but we never sat down and went through this .
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