Example sentences of "we [adv] [verb] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When involved in any kind of search we obviously need to be able to recognise what we are looking for , the goal state .
2 ‘ You have to remember , ’ Ellen liked to lecture Thessy and me , ‘ just how absurdly wealthy they all are , and how desperately the wealthy want to be liked because they ca n't help feeling guilty about being so rich , so we only have to be obsequious , give them loads of booze , and pretend to be impressed by their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions , after which they 'll reward us with an outrageously large tip — which is , after all , the sole reason for being nice to the ghastly creatures in the first place . ’
3 So , we just need to be clear that er , we 're not actually endorsing the list necessarily .
4 We do n't have to deserve it — we just have to be willing to do it !
5 And , a a I mean I think we have , you know , to be feminists because we do n't want to be better than men , we just want to be equal .
6 We just want to be sure everything is hunky-dory . ’
7 We just want to be alone
8 Work would already have started on improving what we already believe to be one of the country 's most modern and safe grounds .
9 Therefore , before any policy conclusions are drawn from the figures recently published , do we not need to be sure ( i ) that we can predict with some success which defendants are likely ( at more than 50 per cent .
10 This principal asserts that if a knows that p and that p implies q , a also knows that q ; we always know to be true any propositions we know to be the consequences of a proposition we know .
11 We always had to be aware where their main dangers were coming from and defensively we did that .
12 We always try to be cash-positive , ’ chief executive Jane Tozer says .
13 . We always seemed to be lucky in that way . ’
14 We always have to be aware of the kinetics of weathering reactions when looking at the mineralogical composition of weathering profiles .
15 We always tried to be one step ahead , but it 's almost its own pigeon hole now .
16 But , she said I 'm pleased with him so far , but we still got to be careful that 's why she made him have this collar .
17 He said magnanimously , ’ All that we ever ask for is fair play . ’
18 We also need to be cautious before asserting that the Tories became a populist party , in the sense of championing the interests of the less privileged classes within society .
19 We also need to be aware that local government exists within a wider network of quangos , agencies and voluntary organisations ( see Rhodes , 1988 ) .
20 A third dimension that we also need to be aware of is the development of organisational structures over time .
21 Even if we can identify the relevant society , we also need to be able to identify the content of that political tradition .
22 However , in the passage in which he specifically considers whether a woman can be ordained , his answering in the negative , it must be pointed out , is dependent on biological presuppositions which we now know to be false .
23 We really try to be clean-cut and poppy , but it does n't work — we f— up somewhere .
24 Do we really have to be sure that God exists in order to believe in God ?
25 Have we really learnt to be content , in any , and every situation ?
26 Even so , when handling and riding horses , we really need to be able to anticipate their emotions , actions and reactions , rather than simply expecting perfect behaviour and performance from them .
27 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
28 ‘ Yeah , for a while we really tried to be serious , ’ admits Puttnam .
29 ‘ Yeah , for a while we really tried to be serious , ’ admits Puttnam .
30 We simply have to be sensible and professional , and we wo n't have a speck of trouble . ’
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