Example sentences of "we [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 We 'd better drain the fuel out , ’ said Dorcas firmly , as they walked under the shadow of the lorry .
32 Well as you 're here , we 'd better take a look at you . ’
33 We 'd better get a cab , ’ he said .
34 Yeah I think we 'd better get a couple of lots and , cos we do n't know what they 're gon na like do we really ?
35 We 'd better get a group working on it .
36 Well , we did n't draw the short-straw but the weather was cold and windy and the course was playing long and tricky .
37 We did n't exchange a word , or even a glance .
38 We did n't make a wager , ’ she said quickly .
39 I assume we did n't make a loss on it .
40 So we were really answerable to the Ipswich Borough Council , rather than to private enterprise which some people really wanted to sell us off as being a , you know , a weight round their necks because if we did n't make a lot of money after the war , the accounts would show that we were making a deficiency every year and erm , well there was no way that you could recoup it because our routes were n't really long enough to charge lots of fares erm , maybe tuppence was the town centre to the extreme termini
41 We did n't make a sale , though we did make contacts that would n't have been available to us otherwise .
42 We did n't make a move without approval of the Buying Room at Ipswich , this was the power base of the Company , the team was led by ( Mr Jim ) , ( Pop ) and .
43 ‘ He ca n't say that we did n't make an attempt . ’
44 Last season we did n't make the play offs .
45 We did n't make the decision to find out , look I 've got a complimentary ticket , and perhaps I do n't have to queue here , perhaps I might have to , but I 'll go and find out .
46 It was n't how you might think — we did n't want a witness , we did n't want to show off that we were in love ; he was just easy to be with .
47 This year we 've restricted it to primary , partly because we felt that 's where the enthusiasm was , and partly , if people wo n't mind me saying so , to keep out the computer science specialists — we felt that , you know , we did n't want a club for boffins or for the experts , we wanted a club and we felt that if we started at the primary end , where there was n't a lot of expertise , we would probably be of more use .
48 No we had a reasonably good dinner and , and we did n't want no tea when we come home , this could have been some of it cos all I had then when we did about seven o'clock when we decided we 'd have a bowl of soup , erm , we stuffed ourselves , we had toast and breakfast erm , we had one or two sweets in the hospital , er while we were waiting and then er , we went to Asda and then we got er
49 When Chelsea turned out on a Saturday afternoon , if we did n't lock the door , we had all the football fans in the shop trying to nick stuff and screaming obscenities .
50 ‘ So I auditioned for them and they auditioned for me and we got to like each other and at that stage we did n't give a shit what each other looked like , we just realised that there was talent there .
51 I wondered why we did n't do a bit more for them .
52 ‘ Contrary to marriage guidance advice , we did n't do a lot of talking things through afterwards .
53 Well we did n't do a lot of that er except gi giving advice wh when we just sort of er going round as a midwife .
54 Just glad we did n't do the hall .
55 Oh we did n't , we did n't do the ozone layer one did we ?
56 We did n't stand a chance — England were going to get away with anything .
57 We were greeted by unnaturally cheerful ranger , who told us that there were 56 people on the list ahead of us so we did n't stand a chance and that it would probably rain anyway .
58 A spokesman said : ‘ You would think the councillors would want the support of 400 of its electorate , but it was obvious from the outset we did n't stand a chance , ’ he said .
59 But the thing was , what I , what I was ge getting to last night , is that we did n't bring the name into it , the surname .
60 Yeah er you know , we had an understanding that if erm because there were times when we wanted to just have some time together , or to pray together , and erm you know people who did come in and out to the flats , we erm told them that if th we were in and we did n't answer the door , it was actually because we were either doing something that we could n't come .
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