Example sentences of "we [verb] [verb] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 I used to discuss with my brother ways and means of becoming martyrs , and we agreed to go together to the land of the Moors , begging our way for the love of God , so that we might be beheaded there … .
2 There is a small dam to pass , and then it 's plain sailing all the way back to the car park to live with the shame that we failed to live up to the term ‘ fit walkers ’ .
3 Unless we want to go back to the Stone Age , zero pollution is not practical . ’
4 We have got consultants looking at that and by September of this year we hope to report back to the council . ’
5 We 'd gone down to the Net , the day it happened .
6 She said , do you know she said we 'd gone off to the woods and I suddenly remembered I 'd left my purse in the car .
7 Only as we begin to respond personally to the text 's content and open ourselves to its message ( irrespective of whether the consequence of this is an acceptance , modification , or rejection of it ) do we go beyond a mere decoding or perception of the words and begin to perceive meanings .
8 What we 're saying on the whole is that we , we are moving south erm militarily we , we now control most of north China , we begin to move on to the into areas of very high tenancy where landlordism was thought to be at its extreme but all we 're doing is reducing rents and interest rents .
9 It gave us all the boost we needed to carry on to the launch and , after that , to the second anniversary of John 's captivity .
10 FOR THE PHOTO SHOOT , we decide to trek out to the NASA Space Center .
11 At the same time we attempt to listen carefully to the voices of the marginalised minorities in our culture .
12 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
13 We did go down to the library .
14 before we start getting up to the kind of figures where we can actually see a you know
15 It depends what conditions are like when we start climbin' up to the pass . ’
16 You get wet , sweaty , but there 's nothing to dry the sweat off , not sweating and drying off , so they feel clammy , okay , so we 've looked at their colour and we 've felt their skin and we 've felt that it 's horrible and clammy and cold , what about their pulse , we 've gone down to the pulse now
17 We 've gone back to the old gods , in defiance to the Church . ’
18 The big improvement with the council tax is that we 've gone back to the old system which is 100% rebates for those classified on low income .
19 You 'd better keep your mouth shut , by the way , after we 've gone back to the department .
20 we 've gone back to the others though now yes , we get
21 We 've come down to the wine
22 We 've got down to the stone foundation , ’ Nigel said .
23 The Greater York authorities therefore looked for a widening of the options available , er , in Greater York , and those that have seen the Greater York study , and it is a document that we 've put in to the examination will see that there was a fundamental full scale wide ranging er assessment er of all the options er open er within the er Greater York er area and they are er set out erm in pages three er and four of N Y five .
24 After two exhausting hours we had to give in to the flames .
25 We had to go downstairs to the toilet , and in the winter the water used to freeze up .
26 Then again for reasons of established cultural preference we had to go back to the Audit Commission and ask them to translate £6.358 million into ‘ real men ’ , for we had difficulty in trying to sell such an alien concept to the police mind .
27 After lunch we did a bit more skiing and then we had to go back to the hotel .
28 The rest we had to transport up to the second and fourth floors , up steep , dark steps !
29 We had to get on to the barge before these two characters unwittingly alerted the army sentries across the road , or before the Friends of the Tourists turned up looking for us .
30 We had to get through to the ministry that in informatics , you do n't have originals and copies , you just have the information issued at a certain time by the sender .
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