Example sentences of "which would [adv] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its meaning has begun to leak away through indiscriminate extensions beyond its original significance , extensions to cases which would normally be distinguished as cases of non-violence .
2 Where rights ( at least in the strong sense in which he uses the term ) are in play , they operate like political trumps to defeat arguments founded on appeals to general social utility which would normally be accepted as a sufficient justification for overriding the wishes of an individual .
3 The concentrations of nutrients used in these studies are substantially higher than those which would normally be seen in the colonic lumen .
4 ( e ) Duties generally ( NB Clause 13 ) The matters which would normally be recorded in the partnership agreement under this head include : ( 1 ) the standard form " just and faithful " obligationstrictly unnecessary in view of the overriding nature of the equivalent statutory provisions and the implication that will always be made that such duty exists , but invariably spelled out in writing ; ( 2 ) a requirement that the partners devote themselves to the business of the firm .
5 Certainly it 's , it 's , it 's tricky for them , obviously we do n't know how long this strikes going to continue , and people in the area are facing er some initial food shortages , and basic commodities which would normally be moved by road , and indeed even as far as Bilbao this morning , there are a shortage of reported , of a , of basic necessities like milk and bread .
6 Some have received large capital grants to improve their buildings , while others have been able to put to good use the money which would normally be spent on local authority overheads .
7 They were required to choose one of three mortgage valuations ; a basic valuation to enable the society to assess the adequacy of the security offered , pursuant to the duty imposed on societies by section 13(1) of the Act of 1986 , a copy of which would normally be provided for the borrower on payment of a fee ; a house buyers ' valuation containing a fuller report , for which the borrower paid a higher fee ; or a full structural survey .
8 She said the right of custody in the context of the Convention was a wider concept than that which would normally be considered in the domestic context .
9 Differences arise virtually throughout the range of activities which would normally be associated with the practice of management accounting .
10 Section 2(3) provides that in considering the common duty of care , the circumstances include the degree of care and want of care which would ordinarily be looked for in such a visitor .
11 This has raised the question of whether a study such as Bourner and Hamed 's gives a favourable impression of non-standard entrants which would not be replicated in a similar study in the university sector .
12 We would bring all that together in a strategic authority , which would not be dictated to by Whitehall and the mandarins down here .
13 The electric response audiometer will be used to detect hearing defects in babies and adults which would not be discovered by other techniques .
14 An individual bat that boosted its tickover rate would pay an additional price in energy , etc. , which would not be justified by the increased sonar acuity .
15 These poor chaps were searching desperately for a project which would not be cursed with the ephemeral vulgarity of their usual tasks .
16 The Gater Committee on Film Production Costs , which reported in October 1949 , was in no doubt that the film industry had brought its latest crisis down upon its own head , through creating ‘ a general atmosphere of extravagance and unreality , leading to a disregard of expense which would not be tolerated in other forms of business . ’
17 The Council is , thanks to the SEA , more than ever the true ‘ Parliament ’ of the European Community in that it — rather than the Strasbourg assembly — passes the Community 's laws and does so , moreover , behind closed doors in ways which would not be tolerated in any individual national member state .
18 Instead , they are to be shackled indefinitely to the burden of paying high toll charges which would not be tolerated in any other part of the country .
19 The strong points in their argument have been that they exhibit voluntaryism in its purest form , that they are free of any obligation to find a programme for the tutor-organiser to teach and that , in managing on voluntary effort alone , they are saving the District that portion of a full-time salary which would not be covered by government or local authority grant-aid .
20 This is a welcome development as the alternative would be for EHO 's to create their own code which would not be written from the funeral director/embalmer point of view .
21 They have often received inadequate parenting themselves , had negative experiences of the legal process and have been judged by standards which would not be applied to most ordinary people ( and which many ‘ ordinary parents ’ would fail to meet ) .
22 It is also significant that the DoE study did not consider the costs of several ‘ uncostable ’ factors such as the increased corrosion and organic contamination which denitrification can cause but which would not be incurred by preventative methods .
23 Indeed , given the fact that they were in the middle of a war the balance of which they were afraid might tip disastrously against them , would they really have opted out other than by a deliberate political decision which would not be taken until well into the future ?
24 While little data is presented here it is clear from the few examples given that the ANLT has problems with ‘ real ’ language — the number of possible parses produced and the failure to parse — which would not be solved by additional computational power .
25 The fall in late-life fecundity was much smaller in crosses between ‘ r' lines , showing that the genetic basis of selection response differed between them , and that senescence had evolved by accumulation of partially recessive deleterious alleles , which would not be expected on the optimization theory .
26 Blackburn chairman Rob Coar said that Warhurst had undergone a medical and x-rays , the results of which would not be known until next week .
27 The only obligations to transfer economic benefits which should not be taken into account are those which would not be considered in accordance with the going concern concept , that is , those which would only arise on the insolvency of the issuer and , where the issuer is expected to be able to comply with covenants on loan and similar agreements , those which would follow a breach of those covenants .
28 It was , Joyce explained , ‘ a song generally used by anti-Fascists of Communist persuasion , and one which would not be used by nice Worthing people . ’
29 However , although the National Consumer Council concluded that such schemes do make a very real contribution , and also make possible extra journeys and excursions which would not be provided by fully routed bus services , they also pointed out that the schemes could not provide a complete answer to accessibility problems in rural areas .
30 The rules of Equity as to stipulations about time and other provisions which would not be held by Equity to be of the essence of the contract , are to prevail in all cases .
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