Example sentences of "which had [verb] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Gentle had successfully recreated one Gauguin previously , a small picture which had gone on to the open market and been consumed without any questions being asked .
2 The purple book , which had fallen on to the floor during the night , jogged his memory .
3 He found a ‘ poor fishing town ’ which had retreated on to the cliffs to avoid the winter storms ; but it was far better situated than Daniel Defoe allowed when he visited the coast in the 1720s .
4 She seemed to be caught up in a permanent giddying whirl , of trying to run the nightclub , making herself available to the police whenever they needed her , and coping with the demands of a sensation-hungry Press which had swooped on to the drugs-bust story with its famous heroine like a pack of vultures .
5 Some injuries had apparently been caused by the explosion dislodging flooring and equipment on the overhead jigs which had crashed on to the men working on the shop-floor .
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