Example sentences of "which is [verb] [prep] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At the same meeting at which the Vial memorandum was read , on 6 September 1791 , a letter to the secretary from Messrs Kirkman and Hendy ( who were present ) was produced : ‘ Sir , In consequence of your Advertisement we beg leave to inform you , that we have contracted with Lord Camden for about 100 acres of building land , near [ Old ] St Pancras Church , abutting on the Turnpike Road leading to Kentish Town , which is intended to be called Camden Town conceiving the situation eligible for your truly valuable Institution we request you will lay this our proposal before the Society — We hold this Land under his Lordship for 99 years from Michaelmas last , the three first subject to no Ground Rent , our proposal is , that Lord Camden does and he will under our direction grant the Society a lease for 99 years from that time , the three first subject to no rent but for the remainder of the term an Annual Rent of thirty pounds per acre , should this proposal meet with approbation , the Society have only to direct their Surveyor to make out any quantity of land and in what position they conceive will best answer their purpose ’ .
2 Therefore , the required relationship exists where one person holds himself out as an expert and gives advice which is intended to be taken seriously and acted upon even though no contractual relationship exists .
3 ‘ A dance is a walk which is felt , ’ says Shklovsky ; ‘ even more accurately , it is a walk which is constructed to be felt ’ ( 1973a : 48 ) .
4 One of the problems to have emerged is , however , the relativity of the concept of special educational need , which is said to be causing ‘ uncertainty and confusion ’ amongst LEAs , and consequently ‘ variations in the extent of and provision for special educational needs from LEA to LEA ’ .
5 I had reservations about Monte Cristo , which is said to be infested with adders .
6 The Open Software Foundation 's recent wrestling with its internal structure , which is said to be occasioned by its continuing financial angst , has resulted in a reorganisation that separates OSF/1 , the operating system that was its original raison d'etre , from the other technologies to which it has put its name .
7 When I refer to the ‘ Popular Purgatory ’ I am referring to the Purgatory which is most widely known — the place referred to in Roman Catholic teaching and which is said to be arrived at after death .
8 Below the impermeable layer , water is trapped in the aquifer , which is said to be confined .
9 The function for English preferred by the Committee , then , is one of aligning the popular imagination and culture , ( what is elsewhere called the " public mind " ( see p.46 ) ) with a sense of communal identity having sufficient " sanity " to neutralize not only " the hostility towards " the culture of capitalism " now prevalent in Bolshevist Russia " , but indeed that antagonism and contempt for literature which is said to be found among " the working classes , especially those belonging to organised labour movements " .
10 Tax representatives are jointly responsible for the overseas businesses ' tax liabilities , although it is the overseas business , rather than the tax representative , which is seen to be registered for UK VAT .
11 A school which is seen to be supporting its clients is much more likely to be supported in turn , by the community it is there to serve .
12 • Long Beach Grand Prix founder Chris Pook arrived in Phoenix to show off elaborate plans for a purpose-built , multi-disciplinary stadium which is scheduled to be built near Dallas next year .
13 The project is to be paid for with a tailor-made $29m World Bank loan , which is scheduled to be approved by the Hungarian government later this month , before being signed off by the bank .
14 For the remedy which is sought to be applied , the removal of grievance is not a remedy at all , because the grievance is not the case , on the contrary it is an aggravation , it is dynamic .
15 It is not excessive leniency which is sought to be restrained now , but punishment which exceeds the judicial view of what is appropriate .
16 The infant is held to be beset by anxiety which is believed to be related both to the notion of the death instinct , and to its confrontation with the complexity and contradictory nature of its environment .
17 At upper left is a network of lace-like filaments , which is believed to be organized by magnetic fields .
18 The US Agriculture Department has proposed the use of irradiation to kill salmonella and other bacteria in raw poultry , some 40 per cent of which is believed to be contaminated with salmonella .
19 In a passage which is bound to be seen as highly controversial in the present situation in East Germany , Sir Leon said : ‘ If Germany 's partners give the impression of being opposed to reunification this will only increase what is at present a small risk : that some in Germany may be tempted to seek reunification on the basis of doing a unilateral deal with the Soviet Union , involving the setting up of a new unified German state outside the Community .
20 Pakistan 's military intelligence service , the ISI , which is assumed to be directing the attack , has lost face .
21 The emission standards strategy specifies the maximum amount or concentration of a pollutant which is allowed to be emitted from a given source .
22 GMPTE is now launching a pilot project in Bolton for a smartcard based fare scheme which is designed to be expanded as an ‘ electronic — purse ’ so that the cards can also be used for telephones , car parks , taxis and leisure facilities .
23 It comprises a transmitter and a portable receiver which is designed to be moved from one location to another as required .
24 Some modern wall lights are now supplied wired to a special plug which is designed to be inserted into a matching wall socket — a combination known as a luminaire support coupler .
25 Unless it is really icy , this species is quite capable of withstanding the low temperatures of winter , though quite why a plant which is designed to be pollinated by bees should flower in winter is a bit of a mystery .
26 It claims to eliminate toxins from the body , to restore a normal potassium and sodium balance in cells ( which is thought to be disturbed in cancer patients ) , to boost liver function ( also affected by the disease ) and to reactivate certain enzymes .
27 If the nodule develops into something resembling a small cauliflower then it could be lymphocystis , which is thought to be caused by a virus and is somewhat akin to warts .
28 As well as being aesthetically pleasing , trees absorb carbon dioxide which is thought to be making holes in the ozone layer .
29 Paired activation of the parallel and climbing fibre inputs results in long-term depression of the parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapse , which is thought to be mediated through the mGlu receptor that is coupled to InsP 3 formation ( Box 1 ) .
30 Trapped in a cost-cutting spiral , Computone and Specialix — plus Chase Research Inc which is rumoured to be courting a buyer — are being forced to streamline their organisations .
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