Example sentences of "which is the [noun] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Our other two forms of personal document are both retrospective : the written autobiography , which we consider here , and the recorded oral interview , which is the subject of our next chapter .
2 I know that my hon. Friend will understand that I can make no comments about the merits of the proposal which is the subject of our debate or about the case for calling it in for determination by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State .
3 In the book I found a Spanish proverb that runs , No se ganó Zamora en una hora — ‘ Zamora is n't reached in an hour ’ , which is the equivalent of our ‘ Rome was n't built in a day ’ .
4 ‘ The voice which is the voice of my poetry , without imagination , can not be heard ’ — which is a nice snub to the critics , but could , I suppose , be used to justify any amount of bad writing .
5 And we know what the Iraqi government would like , which is the release of their money frozen here since the Gulf war .
6 Like a wound too , it has to be allowed to bleed , which is the function of our tears .
7 For the sake of this example , say she writes 1978 which is the year of my daughter 's birth .
8 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
9 James Scott in his Railway Romance and Other Essays observed : ‘ It is mainly the human interest to be found in and about a railway station which is the secret of its fascination . ’
10 Which is the question of what you feel when you 're in the field out there trying to work something through .
11 The battle between the Prime Minister , the split indeed between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor which is a re-run of the appalling split between her and Nigel Lawson which is the origins of our present problem , is something that must be brought under control .
12 During the eighth century the Vikings invaded and eventually controlled the area , which is the origin of its present name , Sutherland , the Viking ‘ South Land ’ .
13 Camus 's admonition — that if man needs bread and housing ‘ he also needs pure beauty , which is the bread of his heart ’ — is buried under reinforced concrete .
14 It is an aspect of metaphysics , which is the study of what we are justified in believing from first principles .
15 Now , is it not possible that it is this rule which is the explanation of our referring to the feelings produced in our bodies by prolonged contact with hot or cold objects , as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ ?
16 In being able to discriminate truth — or something approximating to it — from falsehood or nonsense , the student enters a state of intellectual freedom in relation to that portion of the world which is the focus of his or her studies .
17 As the object of my attention I have chosen the character of Anderson in Tom Stoppard 's ( 1977 ) television play , Professional Foul , though I must point out from the outset that it is the dramatic text which is the focus of my attention and not the BBC Television production , and my comments will reflect this to a large degree .
18 The sudden death of the director Brian Ponsford this week , after the resignation of three top inspectors , has left the Government trying to rebuild public confidence in a service which is the cornerstone of its green proposals .
19 The commitment to quality which is the cornerstone of our electronic materials businesses has also maintained our lead in the market for precious metal thermocouple temperature sensors , infra-red sensing materials and sapphire based materials for military and commercial markets .
20 ( Except for English of course , which is the highlight of my day ) I thought I should put that in to please my English teacher and even up my grade .
21 Throughout all our travails we have always known we wished to stay in the business which is the repository of our Organic Chemical skills and has been the parent of many of our best operations .
22 The association cause for the ending of criminalisa criminalisation , the word , of pensioner 's , who 's only fault is their poverty , it is confident that the British people will support this cause and that their protest will be , speedily bring to an end a situation which is the shame of our Country , that 's signed by the President of the British Pensioner 's and Fred the Secretary .
23 A favourite device of Borges , for example , is to toy with the reader by sprinkling his fictions with references to real people and places , a technique used to good effect in ‘ Tlön , Uqbar , Orbis Tertius ’ , whose realistic trappings lend credibility to the story of a non-existent world which is the reverse of our own , while the fictional world in its turn calls into question the reality of the one in which we live .
24 The onward march of racism is traced through historical time and institutional space , from some presumed point of origination which defines its essential character , to a present conjuncture which is the summation of its effects .
25 If this telegraphic style goes beyond our standard expectations , it is certainly not such a radical deviation as the opening " sentence " of Joyce 's Finnegans Wake , which is the completion of its last : riverrun , past Eve and Adam 's , from swerve of shore to bend of bay , brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs .
26 Moreover , section 40 ( as amended by the 1989 Act ) enables a company , which has a common seal , instead to use for sealing documents evidencing securities , an ‘ official ’ seal which is the replica of its common seal with the addition of the word ‘ Securities . ’
27 In many cases the large size of a company , which is the source of its market power , may enable it to make cost savings which , although not fully passed on , more than compensate for the distorting effects of an uncompetitive market structure .
28 In older forms of English ( roughly until the sixteenth century ) , and in many other languages , there is much more agreement than this ; so it may be the leftover , or residual nature of agreement in English which is the source of its difficulty .
29 For example , I might decide the angle of light on my desk is not as I require it on the basis of assessing the illumination and the lamp which is the source of it .
30 The same point applies to Tillich 's definition of religion as Ultimate Concern which refers not simply to man 's subjective concern , that is , the expression of his Ultimate Concern , but what he is ultimately concerned about , or that which is the source of his concern .
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