Example sentences of "or [not/n't] [pers pn] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The problem.solving framework , in contrast , ensures that the information that emerges regarding a specific pupil 's difficulty in its context is generated in such a way that it also helps teachers in general — whether or not they know the pupil under discussion — to learn to ask themselves the kinds of questions that are helpful whenever problems arise in any pupil 's learning situation .
2 Whether they knew George Pittendrigh or not they felt a need to be solemn , to show at least an awareness of mortality .
3 It is the essential but usually overlooked fact that in any psychophysical experiment when , for example , subjects are asked whether or not they perceive a stimulus , their responses , verbal or otherwise , can not be relied on as accurate accounts of their conscious experiences .
4 Immigration Officers could see that Zahira was pregnant and , whether or not they thought the baby 's birth imminent , they could hear her screaming in pain .
5 Replaced by a stagestruck girl of fourteen , recruited locally , she would be superficially trained in a matter of hours by the Head Girl then , absolutely terrified out of her wits , be put on stage the same night to pacify the Producer , for having paid for eight costumes for a number , he usually insisted on eight bodies filling them , whether or not they knew the routine .
6 Hough and Mayhew ( 1988 ) regard these figures as underestimates and Worrall and Pease ‘ s ( 1986 ) re-analysis of the BCS data which looked at all crimes , and attempted crimes , involving contact and where the victim could identify whether or not they knew the offender , found that women were much more likely to say that they knew the offender well and that the offender was a spouse in nearly 40 per cent of cases .
7 These pensioners have to pay standing charges whether or not they use the service , just to ensure that they can use the service when needed .
8 To help her , she is allowed to ask three people to turn round , which they do as far as possible without revealing whether or not they have the ball .
9 In pending cases wardship ceases on 14 October 1992 and all applications prior to that date must therefore be made to the High Court whether or not they have the effect of varying an existing order ( see Appendix 5 ) .
10 Venture capitalists examine numerous opportunities , assessing whether or not they have the potential for successful buy-outs. ( 2 ) Negotiating with the vendor .
11 A person who enters under a right conferred by law is treated as a visitor , whether or not they have the occupier 's express permission to enter ( s. 2(6) ) .
12 Another transformation which maps one colinear solution of ( 6.22 ) on another , whether or not they satisfy the boundary conditions , is given by ( 12.2 ) where b is an arbitrary constant and .
13 The jurymen are asked to hear the evidence and on the basis of the evidence to decide whether or not they think the prosecution have proved , beyond reasonable doubt , that Mr X was drunk in charge , or whatever the crime may be .
14 Suburbanites in the tri-county area also pay premiums on licensing fees for automobiles to offset transport problems in the city — whether or not they enter the city limits .
15 And whether or not they enhance the efficiency of the police , they certainly expand the crime statistics …
16 The dying themselves will nearly always let it be known , albeit tacitly , whether or not they want the truth .
17 Whether or not we perceive an event in the world around us depends on three things .
18 But George Bartlett , QC , for the NGC , said : ‘ The inquiry 's time and cost would not be saved , because whether or not we express a preference for one of them , they will remain as alternatives before the secretary of State .
19 The grief and horror she would have expected to experience were somehow blunted and held at bay , though whether permanently or not she had no way of knowing .
20 I believe it is entirely a woman 's right to choose whether or not she has an abortion .
21 The comment had some truth in it , in that the heroine did indeed have an equine cast of feature , but he made it too often , and with too little variation ; however , she was willing to forgive him , in view of his evident tolerance of her own social errors , such as an inability to say whether or not she wanted an ice cream .
22 Whether or not you get a loan depends on many factors including a credit assessment .
23 Yours to keep , whether or not you keep the print .
24 What happens depends on whether or not you made a will to start with .
25 Top beauty therapist Janet Filderman , author of Perfect Skin ( Vermilion , £8.99 ) recommends letting your own skin be the judge of whether or not you need a moisturiser — do n't just apply it out of habit .
26 To test whether or not you need an adjective , all you have to do is reduce your sentence to the form of a telegram .
27 Whether or not you have a dog , display a sign on the front gate that says ‘ Beware of the dog ’ .
28 This has not only created severe problems for the national parliaments , who are finding the huge quantity of legislation difficult to scrutinise , it also represents a seepage of power to Brussels , since the best way of attaining power is simply to grab it , whether or not you have a mandate .
29 No matter whether or not you have an assignment which specifically calls for image work , you are always doing image work on behalf of your client .
30 Whether or not you opened the discussion , you may be invited to have the last word .
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