Example sentences of "or [num] [noun pl] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And they had the , the erm they had sort of five out of the five or six horses that I thought were in with a good chance at eight to one .
2 And these picture , they 're two or three incidents that we 've had recently , they are fairly horrible .
3 They in turn got it from a hospital in Leeds , and I know of one other implementation in Sheffield of this particular system , so there may be two or three others that I do n't know about , perhaps four or five in this country , of this particular type .
4 Two or three things that we need to decide here today and that 's the purpose of these discussions .
5 Because any one of these two or three things that I show you is enough if it 's a surprise to them they will blow you out .
6 ‘ It 's probably only the past two or three years that I started to feel comfortable with myself .
7 Erm but I say there , there were a couple of erm objections that came up during the course of the conversation which really resulted because you , you 'd fallen down on the actual structure , but having said that then again there were two or three examples that you apacked and you got through very well and you , you recovered yourself well on that and , and I say really I think that 's er that 's covered most of the bits that , that I felt were , were there .
8 He has been so busy in the last two or three months that he has been forced to temporarily stop promoting his products .
9 Yeah , and cos we had , we had the bathroom that was originally there , that they knocked through to build all this extension , was converted into a shower room , and she did n't think that the sink was right in that , and the disabled bathroom had at least two or three pieces that she thought bolshie in that as well ,
10 He 'd been no more than another face around the yard on the two or three occasions that she 'd been by , no reason that he should have made any lasting impression on her at all .
11 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
12 However , using any form of medication should be a last resort and it is only in the last four or five years that I have used herbal remedies ( for eighteen years before that I used no treatments ) as a lot of minor problems will heal themselves , provided that the tank is healthy and the water quality is good .
13 and it 's , it 's multiplied by about three or four times that you see
14 So , if you 've got , sort of , three or four stories that you know , that you could deal with , the type of question you might get is , discuss how erm , different writers deal with the subject of change , with reference to probably about three stories .
15 The pictures can then be made as a set right from the beginning , rather than just hanging together three or four pictures that you have already made , in the hope that they will be complementary .
16 To design cards for this stitch type is no more difficult than for any other type of stitch pattern , but there are one or two rules that you need to obey .
17 aye , let's have a separate meeting on that I mean I 've largely left it up to and and one or two others that I 've met up there
18 ‘ Next time I come , I 'll bring one or two gowns that I know will fit you . ’
19 Mm , mm , I heard an interesting programme on Radio Shropshire which talked about the tailed bat , which brought out the historical importance of the building , and I learnt one or two things that I did n't know , apparently one of the very early carvings , who plays Sidney I think , and yet , yet it was n't er , destroyed until the next revolution took place .
20 if it 's just like one exam or two exams that they 've failed or they 've been ill for or they 've missed or something they 're offered the opportunity to sit those in September then we have another exam board in September
21 The group is trying to avoid the cry of ‘ not another one ’ by pointing out that the scheme has one or two extras that we have not seen before .
22 ‘ Except for one or two episodes that I suppose he could n't miss , just to try , there was never a chance .
23 It is hard to imagine the effect water can have on the lives of normal everyday people , there were about six or seven houses that I knew of that almost completely wrecked .
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