Example sentences of "or [art] [noun sg] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 Morais and Bertelson therefore carried out an experiment in which the apparent spatial localisation of a sound source was achieved by manipulating either the time or the intensity difference of the same stimulus heard at the two ears .
2 At the time it was found that a major drawback in dual-purpose cattle was that they often failed to breed true : the offspring tended towards either the beef or the dairy type of the breed 's dual-purpose spectrum , partly because of breeders ' preferences but partly , it was believed , because the dual-purpose breeds were effectively hybrids : if they had begun to show too great an emphasis on dairy characteristics , extreme beef sires were introduced to draw them back to their dual-purpose role , and likewise extreme dairy sires were used when they became too beefy .
3 An alternative explanation for price rises , for example , has been to relate them to the amount of money in circulation or the bullion value of the coinage .
4 Although some skins claimed that they were so hard that they did not need to use weapons , and there was no standard personal armament like the cut-throat razors of the teds or the bicycle chains of the grebos , a variety of weapons were used at football matches and other fights .
5 If the fire drill procedure is being altered , or the opening times of the staff canteen are being extended , then a factual style is appropriate .
6 This has not in any way curtailed enthusiasm for the principle that good design is based upon utility among its acolytes in London 's Design Centre or the Boilerhouse project of the Victoria and Albert Museum , London , where beauty through ergonomics may still be an avowed aim .
7 Instead most Boards adopted a standard proxy measure such as the number of rooms or the floor area of the domestic premises concerned , and based their standing charges or the charge for the first ‘ block ’ on this .
8 If she could get the address or the telephone number of the hotel she could warn her twin that Roman knew where she and Garry were .
9 In formulating the original agreement with Fields , Branson had ensured a clause be written in stipulating that , under the Articles , Virgin as the majority shareholder had the right to appoint more than two ‘ A ’ directors , and thereby gain a majority of the board , if it was ‘ not satisfied with the financial position , or the management position of the company ’ .
10 Today , it would be unusual to write in the Renaissance madrigal manner , or the fugato style of the Baroque era .
11 And further further discussions of with them have er has b it 's clear that that is er or the proposal improvement of the A fifty nine .
12 Any work of art is a complex vibratory system to which our senses and nervous system respond , and any object such as the sacred wooden boards or Tapundas , or the stone Tjinas of the Aborigines , many of which are inscribed with the serpent motif , or any object that has been submitted to human veneration through actions or desires , remains charged with psychic power that can be transmitted or given off in energetic emanations providing there has been no transformation of the original material used in its creation .
13 Expanding output would add more to consumer benefit than it would to production costs or the opportunity cost of the resources used .
14 The Asiatic system consists of separate units ; local communities which hold land communally in much the same way as tribal communities or the constituent units of the classical and feudal systems were believed by Marx to do .
15 It also chose presidents , it also chose , a hundred and fifty members to serve on the central committee , or the executive committee of the World 's Council of Churches .
16 If a plunger does n't work , you may have to remove the trap or the cleaning eye of the trap .
17 Then that thirdly , it it would need to help fulfil the economic objectives or the employment needs of the receiving authority which which I guess in in many respects boils down to nominating a particular authority or authorities if if you like .
18 Almost everything which has happened since then has demonstrated very clearly that the IBM/ATP Tour IS all about money , be it prize money , appearance money , tournament service fees or the administration costs of the Tour .
19 Though he found the passionate irresponsibility of the Homeric world ‘ shocking ’ , preferring its Virgilian successor ‘ because it was a more civilized world of dignity , reason and order ’ , Eliot also realized that the all-important ‘ mind of Europe ’ was one ‘ which changes , and that this change is a development which abandons nothing en route , which does not superannuate either Shakespeare , or Homer , or the rock drawing of the Magdalenian draughtsmen ’ .
20 Together with van de Kamer and Weyers , he subsequently published that the alcohol soluble or the gliadin component of the water insoluble protein or gluten moiety of wheat , was responsible for the fat malabsorption in patients with coeliac disease .
21 Those among the contented who own to a social conscience may not fully appreciate that the conditions suffered by the urban underclass can be marginally less unendurable than those they have escaped from ( whether in the American South , Puerto Rico or the shanty towns of the West Indies ) .
22 In civil cases a precondition to any appeal from the Court of Appeal to the House of Lords is the obtaining of leave from either the Court of Appeal or the Appeal Committee of the House of Lords , which consists of three Law Lords .
23 The nearest a Palestinian in Lebanon can go to his former family home in what is now Israel is likely to be the orange orchards south of Tyre or the east bank of the Jordan river .
24 ‘ Now , I ca n't build on the south or the east side of the houses because of the sea .
25 It is expensive in terms of paying the salary or the research grant of the researcher for this time , especially if he or she is engaged in no other work .
26 In consequence , months of painful and arduous negotiations had been wasted , largely because of the ignorance or the Bourbon attitude of the Foreign Office who did not bother to find out something on the basis that they already knew every piece of human knowledge that is worth knowing .
27 Try browsing along the reference shelves of your local library , or the humour section of the local bookshop .
28 Of course , the financing of such an increase in government spending by the sale of an equivalent quantity of government bonds will tend to raise interest rates and thus choke off some private expenditure , but unless the interest elasticity of private expenditure is very high , or the interest elasticity of the demand for money very low , the net effect of an increase in government spending will be significantly to raise the equilibrium level of aggregate demand at any price level .
29 We do not have any data about the performance or the market position of the two firms .
30 The primary right is to prevent any unauthorised ‘ reproduction ’ , but this right extends not just to restricting an exact duplication or a pirate copy of the particular work , but to any reproduction , in any form , such as book illustrations , catalogue reproductions and even representations in another medium such as a photograph of a sculpture .
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