Example sentences of "or [adv] [adv] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When I first wrote ‘ you ’ a paragraph or so ago I meant it in the general , anonymous sense , universal second person .
2 Laughter is a marvellous preventative medicine whether you feel low or not always it does you good if you take yourself off to the nearest comedy film or show .
3 Now Britain is heading for a pre-Christmas Sunday shopping bonanza believe it or not now you heard it first here on this programme that I I predict that there will be completely deregulated Sunday trading before much long What ?
4 I do n't understand what it is you want , or what you have to do with Spiderglass , or even how you got me away from them .
5 Some puppies seem to be sick no matter what you do or how soon you accustom them to the car .
6 She would have given herself to a man for whom she was nothing but another short-term conquest , and in a year , or six months , or however long it took him to tire of her , she would have found herself alone again .
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