Example sentences of "or [adv] [pron] [vb base] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The fact is that for most children maths has been taught badly or rather they have learnt it badly for one reason or another , so there is a need for , for an improvement or a change , so the idea that if children can understand something this will help them to remember it or to make it more real to them , this does seem to be a shift over the last generation .
2 about the last month or so I 've felt it getting slower .
3 Over the next 40 minutes or so I hope to take you on a review of the practical application of artificial intelligence ( AI ) in the field of aircraft maintenance within the RAF .
4 If you sent your work to a publisher and have not heard from them for two months , you should write to ask them whether or not they intend to publish it .
5 whether or not they do make it .
6 With a cynical little smirk , Hogan said , ‘ That rather depends on whether or not you 've killed her .
7 If we do n't know where you are for twelve months or more we have to assume you have abandoned your child .
8 Or maybe they 've left them behind somewhere .
9 Once or twice I have heard her begin to tell the story of those days to some young man , but then halfway through a sentence she would go white with anger , knock back her gin and go silent .
10 Well either ill or else they 've gone you know cos it 's a nice day out do n't know .
11 or where you 've put them in , it 's flowed still .
12 God knows where it 's from or why I 've got it , but I have
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