Example sentences of "which could be [vb pp] only by " in BNC.

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1 This meant more than the elimination of exploitation , which had already been achieved in the Stalinist period : it meant the elimination of the oppression of man by man , which could be achieved only by the working class itself and not by a bureaucracy on its behalf .
2 The concept that social intervention could have effects unintended by the practitioners , and which could be revealed only by asking the clients for their subjective impressions , took a long time to achieve currency , and had to do battle with the time-honoured attitude in professional practice that the client could not be expected to know what he , or more usually she , wanted .
3 It is widely agreed that such psychoactive plants or preparations from them were much used in religious ceremonies , where their effects were taken as evidence for religious reality ; visions of Paradise which could be reached only by the faithful .
4 There was one small woodworm-infested wardrobe , which could be reached only by squeezing with great difficulty past a huge , dirty-pink chest of drawers and a marble washstand with a big enamel jug and basin .
5 Further , these critics no longer imagined a culture which could be ascertained only by examining selected artistic artefacts of the period .
6 Very high temperatures and pressures , which could be produced only by a fission explosion , would be required to ignite the fusion reaction between hydrogen isotopes .
7 Some families , across the Border or on their own side of it , pursued deadly feuds which could be settled only by the extermination of an entire family or , grudgingly and with much pressure from the Wardens , a compensatory payment in money or goods .
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