Example sentences of "which could [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lurking in the corridors of Brussels is a draft EC directive which could fundamentally change the way the Panel works .
2 At the time of writing , after the Conservatives under Mrs Thatcher have returned to power for a third term , further legislation is being considered which could completely dismantle the system of local authority owned public housing .
3 It further develops and tests a notational scheme for this function which could eventually become the basis of a standard in this field of practice .
4 It 's been doing that work on behalf of OSF , which could presumably use the stuff as some kind of a bargaining chip in the latest round of talks with Unix System Labs ( UX Nos 387 , 388 ) .
5 On the one hand , their arrival may add to the demand for retailing and educational facilities , which may help to sustain the village shop or school ; on the other , their children may attend other more distant schools and the newcomers may shop in the adjacent towns so that , if they have ‘ replaced ’ locals , there may be a downturn in demand , which could even precipitate the closure of these facilities .
6 Michael Aldrich does not make this mistake in Videotex , Key to the Wired City This is a glossy paperback , with popular appeal , which could well form the basis of a case study for my own man/computer systems class next year .
7 Home shopping held its profits at £13m which could well reflect the use of provisions raised on the Freemans acquisition to meet a net 10 per cent staff reduction .
8 Others , like The Quantock Riding Centre , Klive , Somerset ( Tel : 0278 74 374 ) offer farmhouse accommodation which could well suit a family holiday .
9 The coding system allows two main types of information to be coded , fixed features — those that will be the same every time a junction is seen , and variable features — those which could potentially change every time a junction is passed through .
10 This was particularly attractive because the presence of anhydrite was a sign of the absence of water — which could potentially corrode the waste containers .
11 The police interrogator tends to approach his suspect , and sometimes even witnesses , with definite expectations which could inadvertently affect the information he gets from them .
12 Forbearance in the overseas country would be equally relevant to a grant to another Hong Kong company of rights to exhibit in that country — a situation which could hardly escape the operation of section 14 .
13 The bulb must be in good working order and the wiring must be good , i.e. free from any short circuits or bad earths which could adversely affect the lamp ,
14 The Group of 24 ( G-24 ) , representing the poorer nations , which also met in Washington on May 6 , warned against a rigid approach to IMF funding " which could adversely affect the access of future users of the Fund " .
15 Hundreds of millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide are pumped into the atmosphere each year from tropical forest burning , contributing to the ‘ Greenhouse Effect ’ — or global warming — which could severely disrupt the world 's climate .
16 Rowden is a fine school and it 'll give him plenty of sports and develop a side of him which could never see the light of day in Ireland .
17 Most important , however , is the impact of the fighting on South Africa , which could still scrap the independence deal .
18 Indeed , on the occasion one is fortunate enough to meet a great butler , far from experiencing any sceptical urge to demand a ‘ test ’ , one is at a loss to imagine any situation which could ever dislodge a professionalism borne with such authority .
19 The earlier decomposition could reveal activities within the procedure that are amenable to monitoring ( such as adherence to bin-card re-ordering procedures ) , which could obviously have an effect on the success of the procedure as a whole .
20 ‘ But to give way to those feelings , and start a sexual relationship with the patient was a betrayal of the therapist 's role , which could only damage the patient .
21 He was far too honourable to approach Asquith with a deal which could only mean the compromise of both their principles for a period of artificial power , not unlike the last years of the Coalition ; and he saw that an anti-socialist alliance could only lead , in the end , to a major Labour victory .
22 A more serious challenge to the text , however , came from a ‘ higher authority ’ — which could only mean the pope — on 24 November when the Secretary of State asked that explicit mention be made of Pius XI 's and Pius XII 's doctrine on marriage , which would not only condemn all forms of artificial contraception ( at this point , before Humanae Vitae , such a ban was not a foregone conclusion ) , but would also subordinate conjugal love to the procreation of children as the purpose of marriage .
23 He described the attack as a ‘ crime against humanity ’ and urged Mr Brooke not to be ‘ hustled ’ into steps which could only aggravate the situation .
24 The popular dial-a-ride bus service for the elderly and disabled faces a mounting cash crisis which could radically reduce the timetable , officials have warned .
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