Example sentences of "which have [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The second has caused much confusion , some of it deliberate , which has plainly rubbed off on Mr Dalyell .
2 The walls have turned a gruesome red-brown from the urine which has also eaten away at the wooden structure of one of the portals .
3 More recently this has received added support from the environmental lobby , which has also looked askance at all but the most picturesque forms of employment being introduced into rural areas .
4 May I remind him that the London Arts Board , which has just taken over from Greater London Arts , is settling down well to the work of funding arts associations throughout London .
5 As well as contributing to Oslobodjenje Camo is editor-in-chief of Nedjelja , a weekly magazine published by the same company , but which has n't come out for the last three months .
6 Meanwhile , hundreds more job losses have been announced in an area which has already suffered heavily from the recession .
7 More than 5,000 Swindon fans have signed a petition calling on the sports governing body to return the club to the first flight , replacing another side which has already pulled out of the league .
8 It is a ridiculous system which has now ricocheted out of control in France , where the tail of the militant farmers is wagging the government dog .
9 Fewer requests for confirming analysis take place from the conceptual end , but a greater number are initiated through the scheming process which has gradually taken over from the conceptual phase as the main centre of the design work .
10 In so far as fairness is used within the traditional adjudicative framework the balancing involved therein may be different in degree but not in kind to that which has always gone on within natural justice itself .
11 The Round Table , which has always worked closely with the Trust has organised thirteen clinics in Oxfordshire over the next fortnight .
12 He adds that only two computer companies so far have sent manufacturing groups out to see what Crec is doing — IBM Corp , and ICL Plc , which has really turned on to ergonomics and the environment since it bought Nokia Data AB .
13 This , it has to be said , has been in no small part due to the advent of the in-store bakery ; a concept which has really taken off over the last 10 years .
14 Two of those references are to research by Professor Harry Smith and his colleagues in Birmingham — work which has certainly moved on during the intervening decades .
15 Then Angel vaulted back on to his pony , which had just tottered groggily to its feet , and galloped back to the stables .
16 By noon all the squadron 's reserve aircraft were in use , and the mechanics were sucking blood from cut fingers and grazed knuckles as they worked too fast on battered planes which had just creaked home with streaming canvas and smashed spars , or labouring engines , or cracked fuel lines , or crippled controls , or lopsided under-carriage .
17 Don Mini turned to one of the robins which had just come back from a practice flight with a child Minpin on its back .
18 The theatre of La Scala was completed by 1778 by Giuseppe Piermarini following the decision by City Governor Ferdinand Hapsburg not to rebuild the theatre in the Palazzo Reale which had just burned down for the third time .
19 Replacing legislation which had not altered significantly since 1936 , the new law opened the way for publicly owned banks ( approximately 80 per cent of the sector ) to become joint stock companies .
20 Manpower shortages were acute in agriculture , textiles and coal-mining — the last of which had not performed well during the war mainly , though not entirely , as a result of a shortage of miners and an ageing labour force .
21 All three major candidates agreed that the influence of the country 's chaebols — large business conglomerates which had traditionally worked closely with the government — should be curbed and a greater emphasis placed upon laissez-faire economics .
22 She was re-reading the last line of the message which had n't sunk in till now .
23 This was the new name of a group which had already existed informally for a few years , with a number of representatives from well-known " reforming " Edinburgh families on its committee : the McLarens , Mairs and Stevensons for instance .
24 It was decided at the Brdo kod Kranja meeting to hold by the end of May a separate referendum in each republic except Slovenia , which had already voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] .
25 In December 1922 he resigned graciously to return to his large goods store which had already started up in June .
26 The two Flemish groups , the separatist Vlaams Bloc and the " ultra-liberal " ROSSEM , which had both performed well in the 1991 elections , were not invited to participate .
27 Such clues would add to the embarrassing riches of intelligence which had recently flooded in to Napoleon 's headquarters from Belgians who desperately wanted to be part of France again .
28 Even his own notorious plant , which had consistently gone downhill for ten years under his active leadership , had been steadily increasing efficiency and output for several weeks without interruption .
29 There was a burst of male laughter from the bar , which had suddenly filled up with men wearing MCC ties ; the day 's play at Lord 's would have ended just about twenty minutes ago .
30 Following a frantic phone call from the Hygiene Manager of a major food producing client near York to come and identify a ‘ slug ’ , surveyor Bob Harris from Hull was presented with a leech which had mysteriously appeared right in the middle of the factory .
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