Example sentences of "which have [verb] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The response was to start an unbeaten run of 19 games which has swept Wigan to the verge of a third consecutive double or , as John Monie , their coach , put it , ‘ halfway towards another successful season ’ .
2 Prima facie either the settlor has made a chargeable transfer which has attracted CTT on the value transferred ( unless his death before the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , has prevented his disposition from being a chargeable transfer by giving rise to liability to estate duty under Section 2 ( 1 ) ( c ) of the Finance Act , 1894 ) or , in the case of a mortis causa settlement , either estate duty or CTT has been paid on his testamentary estate .
3 A £215m fraud has since been discovered at ISC which has brought Ferranti to the brink of collapse and is likely to cost the group its independence .
4 Excluding whisky , Grampian 's principal export market is Germany , which has overtaken France as the regions main export destination .
5 For a moment the paralysis which had struck Neil from the moment that Havvie had begun his assault on her reputation was on him again .
6 Opponents claimed that HDZ policies were reminiscent of the fascist ustasha government which had ruled Croatia during the Second World War , and that it was receiving funds from ustasha emigré organizations .
7 Few Beijing campuses still possessed these reminders of the ‘ cult of personality ’ which had led China to the brink of civil war .
8 " It was an insult , " thundered Tupper , " to the service which had turned England into the British Empire , an incredible stupidity which would halve the mariner 's loyalty automatically " .
9 St Petersburg 's major diplomatic goal had been to nullify the clauses of the Treaty of Paris which had disarmed Russia on the Black Sea .
10 The political ambitions of the CLB can be deduced from its interpretation of the Edwardian crisis : ‘ At so critical a period in British history as the present , when there is so great and unfortunate a tendency to slackness , ease , and carelessness as to religion , morals , and work , when there is so great a craving for pleasure 's sake , when so serious a social problem as the great army of the unfit and unemployed has become a national scandal and a public danger ’ , it was necessary to provide men of the future with ‘ that spirit of self-denial , self-control and definiteness of righteous purpose ’ which had put Britain in the lead among nations .
11 The duke 's campaign of the previous season , which had won Berwick for the crown , may have whipped up enthusiasm for future conquests , but it had also been a lesson in the expense and difficulty of winning a small piece of land and the cost of keeping it thereafter .
12 The duke 's campaign of the previous season , which had won Berwick for the crown , may have whipped up enthusiasm for future conquests , but it had also been a lesson in the expense and difficulty of winning a small piece of land and the cost of keeping it thereafter .
13 Despite the reforms the UK , the USA and Singapore , which had left UNESCO during the 1980s , said that they would not yet rejoin .
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