Example sentences of "which be [adj] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Those which are well but just look lost … are best left where they are to take their chances
2 Suffice it here to remind the teacher that areas which are well and appropriately lit in the morning may be dark or over-bright in the afternoon and vice versa .
3 But not all children will automatically acquire all the forms of transactional spoken language which are necessary and highly valued in education and in society .
4 Thus , it is argued , people do not agree on the number and composition of classes , nor on the location of the boundaries between them , which are fuzzy and readily crossed by the socially mobile .
5 World Bank and EC assistance has encouraged the expansion of ranching into areas which are unsuitable and easily degraded , the study found .
6 But if it is experienced as hostile , it may provoke the carer into actions which are atypical and frequently followed by remorse and guilt .
7 For example , the report appears to distinguish between ‘ genotoxic ’ substances , which are mutagenic and directly damage DNA , and ‘ non-genotoxic ’ or ‘ epigenetic ’ substances , which apparently act indirectly on the genome .
8 In carefully structured interviews on the concept of God with three and four-year old children she found that if she began by asking them to distinguish between objects which were man-made and ones which were natural and then to speculate about origins in each case , a majority of the responses referred to the natural objects being made by God or an unknown power ( almost half and half responses on this ) .
9 Find an area that interests you , which is small and highly specialised , in which you can build an ‘ expert ’ reputation .
10 Not only does his poem bring attention to its control of verse , Herbert signals a poetic origin for his expression which is regal and divinely sanctioned .
11 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
12 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
13 In addition , a build-up of plaque is a common cause of bad breath , known technically as halitosis , which is unpleasant and easily prevented in this case .
14 But there is the other part , which is blind and never emerges from the egg .
15 ‘ They may be in a band or have a solo project which is unique but just based around singing and unusual compositions and so for them it 's harmony .
16 Marxism has recently become for anthropologists a new source of obscurity as a result of recent work which is difficult and barbarously phrased .
17 Lithosphere which is thin and slow moving is predicted to be the most vulnerable to penetrative magmatism and therefore the most likely to experience hot-spot volcanism and associated uplift .
18 The ban would be a major blow to Soviet civil liberties , none of which is long-established or firmly rooted .
19 Vuk , however , was less enthusiastic , and wrote of his own people , ‘ It is hard to induce them to acknowledge that they are Serbs , and we would be crazy if we agreed to abandon our famous name and to adopt another one [ Illyrian ] , which is dead and today has no meaning in itself . ‘
20 If you 've got an alarm which is faulty and repeatedly goes off then , nine times out of ten , you ought to switch the thing off in the first place .
21 He had been experimenting with dental floss , which was multi-stranded but then broke when rubbed against rocks or weeds .
22 When Birkenhead left office in 1928 , Baldwin accepted his resignation with a reluctance which was convincing because honestly expressed : ‘ We shall part , on my side at least , with a feeling of personal regret which I could not have believed possible four years ago . ’
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