Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [prep] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The agency which needs to be involved in following this up is the Careers Service .
2 To fill the gap from mid-July to mid-August , grow ‘ Pandora ’ , which needs to be cross-pollinated by a variety like ‘ Cambridge Favourite ’ .
3 Yet a statement of national intent concerning the learnings planned and provided for a nation 's youth is surely a document which should be available and one which needs to be open to public criticism .
4 However , if one looks at section 3 it is — we do not need to decide the point — at least doubtful whether it would apply to the circumstances of the present case , because the requisite intent which has to be present before section 3 is breached is the intent under subsection ( 2 ) of section 3 , ‘ ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ’ — that clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — ‘ ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — that again clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — and ‘ ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program ’ — that does not apply here .
5 ‘ February is only a short month , so it is not going to have a devastating effect on figures , and there are now signs that the recession is bottoming out , which has to be good for the industry , ’ a spokesman said .
6 Buffeted by a year recession , wars , hurricanes , currency fluctuations and more , the travel trade is nevertheless optimistic about 1993 , which has to be good for sales of maps and guide books .
7 Severe urgency was defined as an urgent need to defecate which has to be relieved in less than one minute to avoid incontinence .
8 Now what , what was left was a guideline for economic development other , of sixty five thousand , which happens to be equivalent to pollution prevention schemes at one , but was certainly not earmarked to anything in particular , it was just a guideline that they were thinking of , and I , I think it would be a help to Policy Panel and Policy and Resources Committee , to obtain a response to that non-identified sixty five thousand pound item .
9 Are you , the haulier , agreeing , for example , to supply a particular vehicle for haulage or to supply any lorry which happens to be available at the time the contract needs to be undertaken ?
10 A good heuristic function is a function f on states which tends to be large on nodes on paths to goals .
11 The result is a certain insularity which tends to be pervasive throughout the year , expressing itself in a fear and mistrust of strangers coupled with a fierce pride in the uniqueness of one 's origins .
12 In the process , we shall explore some recent attempts to construct a theoretical notion of ‘ topic ’ , a notion which seems to be essential to concepts such as ‘ relevance ’ and ‘ coherence ’ , but which itself is very difficult to pin down .
13 This book is not the place to undertake such a task ; but one comment that might be made is that an initial distinction between class and status is likely to be important ; for it is the evaluative rather than the economic dimension of stratification which seems to be relevant to linguistic variation .
14 The one word which seems to be uppermost in every discussion , decision or political behind-the-scenes scheming in tennis these days , is MONEY .
15 Something which seems to be soluble at some stage and the water gets hot and it 's not soluble , so we 're looking for things here that are not not soluble .
16 Then he turned the gas off and poured the contents of the pan into the big metal bin which seems to be compulsory in vegetarian kitchens and which always contains enough mushy peas to drown a Rugby League team .
17 They also have a cult of ancestors ( or of the dead ) which seems to be concerned with morality and to provide the anticipated antithesis to their witchcraft beliefs ; and there is further evidence of belief in a higher — if generally otiose — central deity .
18 Primary ADP-induced aggregation requires fibrinogen ( Niewiarowski et al , 1971 ) , which appears to be involved in early transitory interactions between platelets ( Mustard et al , 1978 ) .
19 As Mr. Glick showed Campbell v. Hall , 1 Cowp. 204 which appears to be favourable to Woolwich was really concerned with constitutional issues rather than with the present question .
20 I am not convinced that what is going on is a ‘ compensatory ’ secondary circuit of capital parallel to industrial production , but something is happening with residential and retail land development which appears to be separate from industrial production .
21 The Loss Adjuster and the branch should not be afraid to challenge the proposed course of remedial work where the Consulting Engineers are recommending remedial work which appears to be well in excess of what is required to stabilise the property .
22 The papillae of the jaw are more regular in shape , arrangement , and are not long , spine-like like those of O. clavigera and O. cordifera ; adoral shields have glassy tubercles in the plate matrix which appears to be absent in the other species , the ventral arm plates are broader than those of O. clavigera and O. cordifera .
23 This was necessary because BSkyB scrambled the material using Videoguard , a new scrambling system which appears to be halfway between VideoCrypt and EuroCrypt .
24 Now if children are unable to interpret the visual symbols and the written word , in order to make sense of them , there 's bound to be some reaction which will show itself in a sort of behavioural response which appears to be different from the responses we would receive from children who are able to interpret these words and symbols .
25 LTP can be tentatively subdivided into several mechanistically distinct components : LTP1 , with a duration of less than 3–6h which is blocked by kinase inhibitors but not by protein synthesis inhibitors ; LTP2 , a component which is blocked by translational inhibitors but which appears to be independent of gene expression ; and LTP3 , with a time constant of several days , which is only obtained if the animal is unanaesthetised at the time of induction and which may require gene expression ( see text ) .
26 The point is a short one of statutory construction which appears to be free from authority .
27 These results support the hypothesis that complications in Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus develop in association with increased exposure of the oesophagus to an alkaline environment which appears to be secondary to duodenogastric reflux .
28 For non-Marxists , then , Marxist theories can never be disproved empirically because the theory can always be reworked or ‘ false consciousness ’ invoked to explain any apparent aberrant behaviour which appears to be inconsistent with the general logic of the objective laws of change which Marx originally formulated .
29 An alternative procedure which appears to be acceptable to HM Land Registry is to apply for office copies of the registered title ( Form 109 ) ; this incurs the same fee ( £8 ) as an index map search , and following the Land Registration ( Open Register ) Rules 1991 it is not necessary to specify the name of the proprietor ; if the land is not registered the application will be rejected , but if it is registered the receipt of office copies gives the opportunity to check the charges register for mortgages .
30 I hope that the new journal , which purports to be international in content , will soon leave behind the rather parochial views of the former MAGB journal .
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