Example sentences of "which [was/were] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the conglomerates which were made up of a disparate collection of businesses have failed .
2 He was now studying the crayoned pictures of the nativity by local children which were taped up on the pillars .
3 Dimetrodon and other dinosaurs padded about on the surface of the Coal Measures which were bent up into the great hump-like structure , or anticline , of the Pennines ( Diagram 4 ) .
4 This is a highly dangerous area to sail in because the seas contain many monstrous creatures which were stirred up by the collapse of northern Ulthuan centuries ago — Kraken , huge shark-like megalodons , Behemoths and even the dread Black Leviathan are all commonly seen in the waters north of Ulthuan .
5 Often these were the starting points of big demonstrations which were broken up by the police .
6 B. Each town has a few factories , most of which were set up during the last 40 years .
7 Parisians saw the shape of things to come in the wooden triangulation towers which were set up throughout the city .
8 By 1975 the Worcester project was ‘ well under way ’ , and by 1979 all the beds and hospital places , which were provided up to the prescribed national levels proportional to the catchment population , had been opened .
9 Next morning at ‘ stand-to' ’ there were the usual reports of wounded which were backed up by the increased activity of the jeeps carrying the casualties to the rear , among them several Airborne troops .
10 Alexei rode between dragons moulded from paper and paste which were lined up in a side street .
11 The trend was illustrated by the new cemeteries , which were springing up on the cities ' fringes .
12 At first potential jurors were classified by ethnic group and caste , but after the 1840s they were assigned to one of three lists which were drawn up on the basis of language capability .
13 Ashore the troops were commanded by Colonel John Durnford-Slater , the Commanding Officer of 3 Commando , who did most of the detailed planning for the raiding force which was made up from the entire 3 Commando , reinforced by two Troops from ‘ No.2 ’ with additional Royal Engineers from ‘ No.6 ’ , Royal Army Medical Corps ( RAMC ) personnel from ‘ No.4 ’ , intelligence officers from the War Office , and a Press Unit .
14 A new cult established itself over twenty years , its shrine being the domed town of the Keepers , which was built up against the entrance to caverns .
15 They 've taken three oil paintings ; two off the walls and one which was leaning up against the window sill , er the candlesticks and the vases off the altar , another very beautiful , very simple oak chair with cane seat and back .
16 A judge in New York on July 11 ruled that the US airline Pan American World Airways ( Pan Am ) was guilty of " wilful misconduct " in its security procedures for baggage on its flight PA103 in December 1988 which was blown up by a bomb over Lockerbie , Scotland , killing 270 people [ see pp. 36409-10 ] .
17 The room was unpainted and the only furniture consisted of a lime green sofa , two wooden chairs and a three-legged coffee table which was propped up against the wall to prevent it from toppling over .
18 Accordingly , for many public figures writing in the 1890s and early 1900s , the character of citizenship and the common understanding and experience of it , all of which was bound up with the imperatives of progress , became urgent political and social issues .
19 ‘ You live in … in that house ? ’ he asked , surprised , pointing to Thornfield Hall , which was lit up in the moonlight .
20 She was tall , a little on the stout side , and had long brown hair with one or two streaks of grey in it which was caught up in a bun perched on the top of her head .
21 He glanced down at his thick cock , which was standing up like a telegraph pole .
22 On the Gamily Fast Day in October , the children gave up snacks and donated the money save to a collection which was brought up at the offertory at a special mass in school .
23 Scotland showed superior power in the scrum but could not capitalise on their possession , and Western Samoa , who scored three tries to one , produced flowing play which was backed up by a strong play in the lineouts .
24 They took the corner in a skidding turn , and rocketed into the dark mouth of the alley only a few yards ahead of the second police car , which was racing up from the opposite direction .
25 The Christian Faith spells out in detail the kind of overall understanding of Christian theology which was opened up by the conception of the nature of religion presented in the Addresses .
26 There is perhaps no better way to appreciate the chasm which was to grow up between the established Anglican church of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with its close links to the powerful secular state and English nonconformity with its tenacity and separateness , than to contrast the pride and grandeur of Wren 's St Paul 's with the humbleness and lack of pretension of Jordans meeting-house .
27 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
28 In 1873 a new lime works was established at Halling followed in 1878 by a cement works known as Halling Manor Lime and Cement Works which was set up as an addition to those already operated by Hilton , Anderson and Company at Upnor and Faversham .
29 With much wider powers than its predecessor , the Secondary Examinations Council ( SEC ) , SEAC is also heir to the recommendations of another of the Secretary of State 's ad hoc working parties , the Task Group on Assessment and Testing ( TGAT ) which was set up at the same time as the first curriculum working groups and , like them , worked under enormous pressure to produce proposals for the assessment of the National Curriculum .
30 A parliamentary commission investigating the activities of the security services within the Federal Military Department ( EMD ) ( primarily P-26 — which was set up at the time of the Cold War to provide resistance in case of invasion — and the extraordinary secret service P-27 ) presented its report on Nov. 23 , 1990 .
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