Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [adv] [be] find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Boase explained that for twenty years he had made a collection of notes relating to English persons deceased since 1850 , and that in compiling his work he had kept in mind the dictum of James Anthony Froude [ q.v. ] , ‘ we want the biographies of common people ’ , so that many hundreds of the thousands of entries included in his compilation related to persons who had not been eminent but had led interesting lives , accounts of which could not be found in any other book .
2 It may also have been reassuring to US audiences , while America was being condemned world-wide for its barbaric acts in Vietnam , to see that they did not have the monopoly on violence , which could even be found in an English village .
3 This large collection contains nothing which could n't be found in the libraries of a major city such as Middenheim or Altdorf ( allow any scholarly type an Int test to realize this ) , except for the Chaos/heresy works , which would be restricted-access in the temples .
4 During the 1985 riots and their immediate aftermath , the imagery of ‘ race ’ was used by sections of the press without the sense of ambiguity which could still be found in 1980–1 .
5 This means that people who have suffered or are currently suffering from schizophrenia need to be able to withdraw from arousing circumstances , but that the extreme understimulation which could sometimes be found in an old-fashioned mental hospital should equally be avoided .
6 The wings are of flamed maple with two layers of walnut , separated from the central body section by ebony , itself edged by fine multi-coloured veneering , which can also be found under the fretboard and headstock facing .
7 Respect for such differences in viewpoints has produced in England and Wales a range of primary school practice and organisation which can not be found in any other developed nation .
8 The two appear to be working through a shopping list of NT 's ingredients , ticking off those features and functions which can already be found in their own , or equivalent open systems products on , or coming to market .
9 Professor Hobsbawm 's argument for an " aristocracy of labour " among nineteenth-century skilled workers depends upon the kind of material and cultural conditions and status assumptions which can certainly be found in the cases of some eighteenth-century crafts , but fluctuations in fortune make the idea less firmly applicable .
10 Among the earliest souvenirs to be hawked to the victorious Allied troops who marched into Beirut on 8 October 1917 was a horrific picture postcard , old copies of which can still be found in the antiquarian bookshop that sells the David Roberts lithographs on Makhoul Street .
11 Local food is an equally important subject , especially the ‘ local speciality which can only be found in this charming , family-run restaurant to which our helpful taxi driver introduced us . ’
12 Against this Althusser maintains that time , even chronological time , is not just an empirical entity , but a concept ; that though history may be articulated in general with chronological time , each history has its own temporality , which can only be found by establishing the conceptual nexus of the history in question .
13 Nothing has been more ominous in the doctrinal shift of the 1980s than the actual hostility to this term which can now be found in Roman teaching .
14 Exactly fifty years earlier , two scientists in the Physics Department demonstrated a device which changed the course of history , and which can now be found in 48% of British homes .
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