Example sentences of "which [adv] [verb] an [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 There should therefore be a significant and fluctuating gravitational red shift of the pulsar period P : which numerically has an amplitude of order .
2 The Act confers extensive powers of entry , search , and seizure which necessarily involve an invasion of the citizen 's rights of privacy and property ; on that account the legislation might be thought to call for a strict construction .
3 They 're , they 're doing things which perhaps require an understanding of maths .
4 Here is spring and summertime the quiet is broken only by the soothing sound of wood pigeons , which somehow creates an aura of timelessness .
5 The 500 citizens of Giverny , which already receives an average of 570,000 visitors a year attracted by the Maison Monet , are less than enthusiastic about the new museum .
6 But Martha , small and thin , with dark eyes which already showed an acceptance of the world 's shortcomings , was not like her mother and even less like her father .
7 The Museum is a modest establishment which normally attracts an average of between 15 and 20 visitors a day .
8 This is typical , and should he borne in mind before abandoning single-key reference , which usually involves an overhead of only 5 — 20 per cent in providing the facilities offered by indexed sequential or direct organizations .
9 The flock has been closed to females since 1980 and the Martins still deliberate long and hard over future stock sire purchases , which usually involve an inspection of the sire and dam beforehand .
10 The most obvious targets are the unwieldy conglomerates built up in the late 1960 's and early 1970's which still represent an area of managerial weakness in the British ( and U.S. ) economy .
11 Along each side of the long window hung a heavy brocade curtain , the colour having long since disappeared , but which still retained an air of quality .
12 In 1985 , Cressida Dick , a probationary constable , wrote a prize-winning essay which clearly showed an awareness of this politicization , and asked the sort of questions which few senior officers seemed to be thinking or voicing .
13 We should remember also at this stage that the circles themselves are the result of extrapolated figures which also have an error of ±0.5% which in real terms is within ±47 metres .
14 It is joined here by Kingsdale Beck which now gets an infusion of energy and turns away to earn acclaim as a principal contributor to the charm of the walk around the Ingleton waterfalls .
15 Similar principles apply in the case of bonuses , which often involve an element of profit sharing .
16 The rebellion was crushed by the British Government , which then passed an Act of Union in 1801 , abolishing the Dublin parliament and integrating Ireland with the UK .
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