Example sentences of "which [pers pn] be [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You know you are not wasting your time because this is a job for which you are genuinely suited and which you would like .
2 The only paper on your desk should be that on which you are currently working and material waiting to receive your attention for the first time .
3 She helped herself to a slice of banana bread , which she was about to eat as Stephen and James wandered onto the terrace .
4 She pointed next door to the house in front of which she was now standing and said , ‘ That is where we make most of our sweets . ’
5 And the final point I wanted to make , although yes , we do welcome the special transitional grant second tranche of ten point eight million pounds , and it would be churlish not to , it is nevertheless a reduction on what the share of it was last year erm s of the national total so there is actually a reduction in the share that is getting this year , and alongside that , and of course hence the need for the recommendation in the budget , is that we 've actually lost very specifically one point eight five six million in the rollover grant from last year 's erm S T D tranche which we are specifically asking and very grateful to policy and resources for , hopefully , erm we 're asking and we 're hopeful they will underpin it and the Chairman is here and er er has nodded in that direction I think it 's fair to say .
6 We have kindly been provided with a VHS copy of the above stock footage by ART films with regard to an educational non-broadcast video entitled Project Video which we are currently filming and which will be for use in teaching English as a foreign language to secondary school age students throughout the world .
7 DAVID HUME in 1757 wrote ‘ There is a universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves and transfer to every object those qualities with which they are intimately acquainted and of which they are intimately conscious . ’
8 If crime and disorder follow a U-shape pattern of long-term change , the legitimacy of the police — the extent to which they are broadly accepted as valid in mission and methods — has followed an inverse path : an upside-down U. Starting from the widespread opposition encountered at the birth of the new police , opposition gradually came to be located primarily within the less ‘ respectable ’ sections of the working class , as well as in the wider working class during periods of labour conflict .
9 This could relieve heads and teachers of clerical work for which they are not trained and allow them to make better use of their valuable ( and scarce ) teaching skills .
10 They are not the monolithic structures which they are often presented as being .
11 Indeed , Emile Burns ' survey of the councils of action , after the dispute , revealed the great extent to which they were badly organized and the degree to which in Middlesborough , for instance , ‘ each trade acted on its own ’ .
12 The decree stated , however , that martial law courts would continue to investigate cases which they were already handling and that the Economic Security Committee would continue investigating mismanagement and corruption by former officials .
13 Other strategies which recognise the new sense and the new possibilities are the wildlife/domestic stock village systems developing in Central Africa — systems not dissimilar to the self-sufficient , low-input philosophy that Gandhi was promoting before India became a monolithic Civil Service with centralised control which destroyed village integrity : the same problem that has caused thousands of Africans to return to their villages in the last twenty years , giving up their Government jobs for which they were never paid or even got their rations .
14 The breakdown of a barrier would allow species from both sides to compete with one another , and the winners would spread out to occupy any territory to which they were better adapted than the natives .
15 The annual report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration criticised the system whereby claimants had to go through a cumbersome late appeals procedure to obtain the full arrears benefit to which they were rightfully entitled where those exceeded the statutory 12-month limit .
16 Some have done well and now own the businesses in which they were once employed or have opened their own .
17 A statute is , after all , the formal and complete intimation to the citizen of a particular rule of the law which he is enjoined , sometimes under penalty , to obey and by which he is both expected and entitled to regulate his conduct .
18 There , between 1647 and 1655 Taylor wrote the books for which he is best known and kept the flame of his proscribed Church alive under the rule of parliament and Cromwell .
19 The debtor remains in a sense owner ; he has a new sort of equitable ownership , ‘ an equity of redemption ’ , which he is only to lose after the court has given him ample opportunity to repay , and it becomes plain to the court that he can not or will not pay .
20 It was from the caravan that he ran People Against Nuclear Power , with its acronym PANUP , the small organization of which he was both founder and president .
21 Not every funeral furnisher was able to go independent , and relied on the wholesalers to provide items for which he was rarely asked and consequently had no need to stock .
22 Having eaten two packets of bacon-flavoured potato crisps , he had purchased another tube of Rowntree 's Fruit Gums , which he was now enjoying while waiting for the lights to dim .
23 Bonnie Prince Charlie was also a Catholic , another of the facts for which he was never forgiven and another contribution to the ambivalence he excites .
24 He believed that he would have to give up a career to which he was deeply committed and which had promised to be highly successful .
25 This alone would permit the evaluation of UK problems and policies in their international setting and clarify the implications of policy choices at the EEC level for the UK and the rest of the EEC as well as locating options for Europe as a whole in the global context by which it is powerfully influenced and constrained .
26 I must tell you Minnie that things have not been good between my old beloved mistress and me which it is not fitting that I should now go into but this blow has brought us closer together in our love and concern for Miss Henrietta .
27 But unfortunately we can then easily imagine a context in which that sentence might be appropriately used , in which it is not assumed that John cheated : for example , you thought he had cheated , asked me whether he now repents , but I tell you he never did , and persuade you accordingly , and then I say so John does n't regret cheating ( Gazdar , 1979a : 105 ) .
28 ‘ A superordinate grouping in which it is explicitly stated that all members share a single attribute was , however , much more likely when linguistic predicates were formed as complete sentences with copula [ ‘ they are round ’ ] than as incomplete sentences without .
29 Overall , a healthy plurality of different initiatives is likely to arise if a strong voluntary sector grasps the opportunity with which it is currently presented and if it is actively supported by the statutory authorities .
30 Metal which has been purchased and committed to future sales to customers or hedged in metal markets is valued at the price at which it is contractually committed or hedged , adjusted for unexpired contango .
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