Example sentences of "which [modal v] [adv] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This troublesome invisibility in the material record is often inversely related to its semantic value , and activity which may well have a central place in the police model of reality can well remain beyond the grasp of the outsider .
2 Thus , the aim of the healthy diet is to replace animal fats ( which contain LDLs ) with polyunsaturated vegetable fats which help lower cholesterol , and mono-unsaturated fats , such as olive oil , which may also have a beneficial effect .
3 This chapter gives you some ideas for informal things to do in the Home , organised outings and activities which may also have a special therapy value , like reminiscence .
4 In addition , he pointed to the influence of union leadership which can have a decisive impact on union membership growth via the policies and organising techniques which are adopted , and governmental encouragement which may also become a major factor in promoting union growth .
5 This is the sense that is represented by the title Aesop 's Fables : used of unrealistic stories ( Aesop 's fables are unrealistic in that they present anthropomorphized beasts and birds ) which may nonetheless present a valuable and pertinent moral to their readers .
6 They are drastic pieces of legislation which should rightly occupy a large part of the time of the House .
7 ( c ) following an approach to the board of the target company , which may or may not lead to an offer , the primary responsibility lies with the board of the target , which must accordingly keep a close watch on its share price .
8 Do sites exist elsewhere in your area Mr that are not so encumbered about by ancient history , natural history , conservation areas , which might equally form a strategic reserve for your undefined post-two thousand and six requirement ?
9 The consequence of this is that women are feared because they are seen to be sexually aggressive , and relations with men are spoiled because a close tie to them , which might otherwise constitute a conflict-free alternative nevertheless connotes a parallel threat of passive dependency .
10 It is a work which might well shed a tender light on the novella ‘ Goodbye , Columbus ’ .
11 ACAS has a network of regional offices which might well prove a valuable source of information .
12 Frequently congregations made free gilts to their ministers but as these were often wealthy congregations which could also afford a high salary the bonus served as icing to an already rich cake : Joseph Parker , for example , got £1,000 to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ministry and John Clifford was given a round-the-world trip when his health failed in 1897 .
13 But it 's obvious from a quick glance that that plan that in fact a number of those settlements are already coalescing in the form of a definition of a one kilometre cordon around the the village and there are actually very few areas outside of the greenbelt in that zone which could possibly accommodate a new settlement of the size we 're contemplating , without causing coalescence .
14 Beta , at a distance of 78 light-years , is of special note because it seems to be associated with material which could possibly indicate a planetary system , and has actually been photographed from the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile , though to the ordinary observer Beta looks like a normal white star .
15 This was a situation which could only last a short time before complete economic and social collapse ensued .
16 The civilian guards could be easily overpowered by an IRA unit which could then drive a huge van bomb virtually unchallenged to the rear of Parliament Buildings .
17 Every day the Canyon humbles us with some new wonder : a 2,000ft sheer wall of red limestone , a golden eagle soaring down to the river to fish , a natural rock amphitheatre which would comfortably accommodate a full orchestra and 20,000 people .
18 This , they noted , was particularly so in the German companies which would presumably have a comparative advantage over British firms in this respect anyway .
19 These consultations , which would normally cost a small fortune , are free .
20 That statement was not , in my view , ever intended to acknowledge the existence of any wider discretion than to exclude ( 1 ) admissible evidence which would probably have a prejudicial influence upon the minds of the jury that would be out of proportion to its true evidential value ; and ( 2 ) evidence tantamount to a self-incriminatory admission which was obtained from the defendant , after the offence had been committed , by means which would justify a judge in excluding an actual confession which had the like self-incriminating effect .
21 His dream was to build on the site a building by the Modernist architect Mies van der Rohe , which would also create a New York-style plaza , to be known as Mansion House Square .
22 Go much below that and the monitoring problems are vastly complicated by natural upsets , like earthquakes and even man-made chemical explosions ( which would also make a comprehensive test ban pretty difficult to be sure of ) .
23 Some early documentary photographers however , made serious attempts to provide an informed comment on some important aspect of society , which would also form a lasting account of the period .
24 Most economists would agree that a single European currency , which would also imply a European Central Bank to control it , would encourage trade thanks to the absence of uncertainty in relation to exchange rates and to the elimination of transactions costs inherent in dealing in a multiple of currencies .
25 If he did nothing more he would still retain his fee simple , but he would have deprived himself of the right to present possession and enjoyment of the land ; his estate would become a future estate , which would again become a present estate , an ‘ estate in possession ’ , only when the smaller estate , the ‘ particular estate ’ which had been carved out of it , came to an end .
26 The poem is rich in language , vivid in imagery , mysterious and enchanting in its overall effect and uses to its best advantage various language features to evoke an atmosphere of grandeur and magnificence conveying the author 's passion for something which would otherwise remain a mere vehicle to the reader .
27 It was already chaotically busy with officials and administrators knitting together the many responsibilities which would eventually make a successful tournament .
28 Here , instinctual need provides the impetus for intelligent action , and an instinctual drive which would merely make a hungry dog bark at a suspended bone makes a hungry primate build , climb and reach with a tool .
29 This last reform , which would simultaneously go a long way towards solving the unemployment problem and the housing problem , would also transform the social scene .
30 Neither , however , was complete withdrawal of the French from Indo-China for , as it was assumed that in all likelihood Indo-China would be taken over by the militant communist group , at best there might follow a transition period marked by chaos and terrorist activities , which would then create a political vacuum into which the Chinese inevitably would be drawn or pushed .
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